Energy & Conservation Programs

  • Taking Energy for Granted: Few people consider where electricity comes from when they flip on a light or push the start button on a computer. Almost everyone in America has grown up in homes that were powered by electricity. This makes it very easy to take energy for granted, without realizing the cost to both the environment and to your bank account.

    The truth is that all energy produced and used has an impact on the environment. Even energy from completely natural sources impacts the earth. For example, even the energy from a lightning strike of a tree often results in the tree being burned. How detrimental that impact is will be determined by the type of energy and the amount used. 

    ACPS is committed to the environment demonstrated by our ACPS 2012 Green Schools Resolution

Energy Conservation Awards and Programs

Contact Us

  • Theresa Spurling-Wood, CEM,CIE,GGP,LEED AP

    Director - Energy Systems

    Phone 352-955-7243


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