Student Parking

  • Parking—All Vehicles must have a valid decal.

    All student driven vehicles during the regular school day must be registered and display a valid decal. To be eligible for a decal, students must have a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA and not be on the school debt list. A student’s driving privilege will be revoked if it is found to be in the best interest of the school. Violations include, but are not limited to, improper check in or out, skipping, driving non-checked out students off campus, tardy to school, music too loud, running stop signs, driving the wrong way, or unauthorized use of a decal, etc. Any student who loans or uses a decal issued to another student, or duplicates a decal will be subject to disciplinary action. Failure to pay parking tickets will result in loss of decal. Parking decals that are clearly not being used by the recipient will be reassigned.

    **Students who drive to school must have a prearranged checkout.(See Prearranged Check Outs, pg. 9)

    Administrative approval is required to go to the parking areas. Students are not allowed to loiter in the parking areas after arriving to school.