End of Course Exams


    End of Course Exams (EOC) are taken in Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, U.S. History and Algebra 2.  All tests are taken on the computer.  Students are given the opportunity to take practice tests and use the tools provided on the computer.  Depending on the year you enter 9th grade determines the factors of whether you have to pass the EOC or it is only 30% of your final grade in that course. (Refer to graduation requirements to see details)

    Cell Phones are not allowed to be on the student's person during the actual test.  Please leave devices at home if at all possible.  If seen using during testing, the device will be taken and sent to the Testing Center for the State and may not be returned.


    Practice tests are available at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs for all EOCs and FCAT 2.0