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Policies and Procedures

  • Checkout

    Kindergarten students are allowed to check out one book at a time for a period of up to two weeks. If the book is not returned in two weeks, it will be considered overdue.

    Students in first through fifth grades will be allowed to check out two books at a time for a period of up to two weeks. If a book is not returned in two weeks, it will be considered overdue and the student will not be allowed to check out any more materials until the overdue item is returned.

    Lost or Damaged Items

    If a book is lost or damaged while checked out to a student, that student will need to pay to have the book replaced.

    Rules of Conduct in the Media Center

    1. Follow the school rules at all times.
    2. Listen and follow directions the first time.
    3. Use a quiet voice.
    4. Use walking feet.
    5. Always use a shelf marker.