• Priority 1: Protect Your Health


    We are concerned about the wellbeing of all students, faculty, staff and their families. While we are experiencing times of uncertainty, we know many questions are looming in the minds of all stakeholders. Please find information related to school changes below. We will update this page as changes occur. Our continual thoughts remain with the Rocket Family and community at large. Please be safe.

    For up-to-date information about school choice and school reopening: https://www.sbac.edu/

    Educational Practice Opportunities

    Students may use this site to practice math and English skills, as well as prepare for the SAT.

    Khan Academy  



    Parents will not need to pick up medications unless concerned about home supply depleting because of time off from school. In order to pick up medication, a parent will need to come in and sign the Medication Treatment Authorization form that indicates the number and doses picked up. Please call ahead to the front office to schedule a time for pick-up.

    Mental Health

    We know many of our students are able to maintain social-emotional wellbeing because of school structure and assistance of teachers, school counselors, social workers, peers and other individuals that provide support during the day. The absence of those figures can cause anxiety for some kids. Students should be aware that local support is offered through the Crisis Center at (352-264-6789), for those who need mental health support. Persons who have battled with depressions or thoughts of suicide can also reach out to the prevention lifeline for help (1-800-273-8255). Please be vigilant about ensuring students who meet with mental health professionals and take medications remain on track with appointments. Consistency is key to minimizing fears.

    Crisis Center

    Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    Frequently updated health sites:

    Alachua County Department of Health: http://alachua.floridahealth.gov/

    Florida Department of Health: http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/

    The Centers for Disease Control:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html