International Thespian Society

  • International Thespian Society

    Thespians is a drama club where we perform various acting pieces in a district competition: monologues, solo musical numbers, pantomimes, group acting, and group musical pieces as well as technical categories like playwriting, stage design or construction, and costume design or construction. The entire club also performs a one act for second district with various jobs in acting and tech. Auditions are in the first couple weeks of school and all you need is either a one minute monologue, song, or both (don't worry, the auditions are to see what you can do and try-out for the plays throughout the year, not necessarily to get into the club). It is a very fun and crazy club with very dramatic and friendly people who are eager to welcome anyone. Believe me, if you love acting, performing, or theatre in any way, this is the club you want to be in.

    Sponsor: Mrs. Meyers (