Meadowbrook Clinic

  • This page is currently being updated for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please check back soon.


    Hello Meadowbrook Parents,

    We hope to keep our children as healthy as possible this year at Meadowbrook. With your help we will be able to keep illness to minimum.  Remember the best medicine is prevention, and the best way to keep from getting colds, flu or that nasty stomach bug that goes around every year, is frequent hand washing.  Please remember that not all germs are killed by hand sanitizer.

    • Wash/sanitize your hands frequently and thoroughly
    • Cough/sneeze into your elbow or arm, not your hands. Teach this to your child too.
    • Wash hands after blowing your nose and before and after any contact with eyes, nose and mouth

    Please do not send your child to school when he/she is sick. This is to protect your child as well as other children and staff who work with them. Here are general guidelines from the Alachua County School Health Services Handbook.

    • If your child has a fever of 100.3 or higher he/she should remain home until his/her temperature has been normal for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol or Advil. If he/she has a fever of 100.3 at night and no fever in the morning they still need to stay home one more day until they have no fever for 24 hours.
    • If your child vomits in the evening/night before school, she/he should remain home until she/he had not vomited for 24 hours
    • If your child has a runny nose and is not able to control the secretions, your child should stay home until secretions can be controlled.
    • If your child has diarrhea, he/she should remain home until bowel movements are normal for 24 hours.
    • If the doctor has put your child on antibiotic medications, she/he should be at home for 24 hours. If your child is ill enough to require medication, your child needs to rest at home.

    Please, please, please make sure the school has an updated telephone number where you can be reached during the day should your child become ill.
    Your cooperation in providing a healthy and safe environment for your child is appreciated. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Clinic Needs

  • Hi Parents,

    The clinic needs girls clothes, all sizes, and girls undies.
    Also, shoes in assorted sizes. We have lots of size 1, but not much else.