Media Center

  • Welcome to our library media program at Irby.  It is designed not only to encourage the acquisition of reading skills but also to foster a love of reading. By providing materials for both home and school, we hope our students will gain an appreciation of how books and reading can support and enhance all other learning throughout their lives.Three children sitting and reading in a library

    What do we do in the library media center? We...

    • Check out books every week to take home and use in our classrooms.
    • Come in for regular story times and library skills sessions.
    • Use our Smart Board to do activities about library and class subjects.
    • Learn how to take good care of our books and magazines.
    • Learn about our favorite authors and illustrators.
    • Participate in special library activities during School Library Media Week, the Florida Reading Association Book Contest, and two Book Fairs.
    • Learn about different types of libraries.

          How can you help your child enjoy books?

    • Read to your child regularly and always encourage silent reading.
    • Introduce your child to all varieties of printed materials. Magazines, newspapers, maps, catalogs, menus, even comic books are all good reading sources.
    • Come in and visit us! Parents are encouraged to come in and browse our parent information section. You can also create a parent account and check out up to five books.


Media Center Hours

  • Media Center Hours:

    7:15am-2:45pm (M-TH)

    7:15-1:45pm (F)

School Library Catalog

Media Contacts

  • Shernee Bellany
    Library Media Specialist
    email: bellamysl

    Phone: 386-462-5002


    Note: All school board emails are followed by

    Comments (-1)

Circulation Procedures

  • All of Irby Elementary's primary students come with their classes to the library media center each week.  They may check out one book at a time, due back in a week, either during their class times or as they come in independently.

    The charge for a lost, damaged or destroyed library book will be either the original or replacement price of the book.  If a lost book which has been paid for is returned within one year, a full refund will be given.