
  • Shell Elementary School uses a balanced approach to reading, following the Sunshine State Standards for reading, and using the county adopted reading series and a variety of literature genres throughout the day.



    Students who need additional support in reading are assisted through tutors, resource teachers, or other volunteers. 

    The scope and sequence of skills in the Macmillan McGraw basal series are followed at all grade levels. The basal series in reading is supplemented with literature. Teachers read on a regular basis to students and students are engaged daily in independent reading activities.

    Help Your Child Become a Reader

    • Read aloud to your child as often as possible. Remember that children of all ages love to hear books read aloud. Keep reading to your child even after he/she learns to read.
    • Talk about what you read. Language and thinking skills develop when children talk.
    • Have your child read aloud to you. Keep it fun and enjoyable.
    • Get a public library card. Make visiting the library a special weekly event.
    • Make sure your child owns books and cares for them. Encourage relatives to give books as gifts.
    • Encourage your child to read to others. Brothers, sisters, grandparents and friends enjoy sharing favorite stories.
    • Let your child see you reading a variety of printed material: newspapers, magazines, books, forms, recipes, etc. Parents are the most important role models.
    • Provide opportunities to write. Allow your child to make grocery lists, send thank-you letters, write notes to friends and relatives and family members, and encourage them to keep a journal.
    • Monitor television viewing. Set time limits and make good decisions about which programs are suitable for viewing. Watch television together and discuss the program content.
    • Become involved with your child's school. If you show an interest, your child will know the home-school connection is important and the school will appreciate your support.
    • Listen to your child. Your attention will build your child's self-esteem while he/she develops oral language confidence.