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Summer Series #5 "Working and Gaining Experience"

🌞 NHS Summer Series 🌞
Tips and Information to Help You Navigate Summer!
Panthers, the fifth week of our 8-week series will focus on “Working and Gaining Experience”! During your time in high school, many of you “know” what you want to be when you grow up. Whether you are certain of the profession you’d like to pursue after high school or you’re still searching for inspiration for a career, now is a great time to try out jobs in different fields. Doing so will give you opportunities to see if you will enjoy what you think you want to do or maybe discover something new that may interest you. Here are some ideas to get you started:
🐾 Find a job and earn some cash to put aside for college. Having a job can be an impressive extracurricular activity!
🐾 Be a camp counselor at a local or sleepaway summer camp.
🐾 Start your own business. This shows colleges that you have many of the skills they’re looking for: leadership, innovation, and gumption.
🐾 Land an internship, and get a taste of your future industry.
🐾 Ask friends, family, and neighbors if they have any work for you, such as babysitting, assisting in their business, or doing yard work.
Information about these suggestions (and so much more) is available on the NHS website and particularly in the NHS Student Information Center ( Additionally, make sure to look back at the Tips and Information posted in prior weeks for more ideas.
“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for it.” (Katherine Whitehorn) Keep hustling!