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Summer Series #1 "Learning Something New"

🌞 NHS Summer Series 🌞
Tips and Information to Help You Navigate Summer!
Panthers, in the first of our 8-week series, we want you to think about “Learning Something New”! These days, there are many wonderful opportunities to learn new things, both in traditional and nontraditional formats, and summer can be the perfect time to do it. We would suggest that you look into one or more of the following possibilities:
🐾 Enroll in college classes
🐾 Take online courses
🐾 Participate in pre-college programs
🐾 Attend an academic camp
🐾 Attend performing arts classes or camps
🐾 Participate in visual arts classes or camps
🐾 Study for the ACT or SAT
🐾Take private lessons in an area of interest
🐾 Look into programs at the local library
To decide which of these options may be best for you, think about what interests you and what fits with your schedule, location, and/or budget. Information about these suggestions (and so much more) is available on the NHS website and particularly in the NHS Student Information Center (
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” (Zig Ziglar) Be unstoppable!