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Summer Series #2 "Be Active"

🌞 NHS Summer Series 🌞
Tips and Information to Help You Navigate Summer!
Panthers, this week as part of our 8-week series, we want you to think about what you can do to “Be Active” throughout the summer! You don’t have to join a gym, hire a trainer, or take a fancy class to exercise or be physically active. Staying active can help keep your mind focused and sharp. Here are some ideas to get you started:
🐾 Take dancing lessons
🐾 Join a sports team
🐾 Practice an independent sport, like running
🐾 Learn how to cook or bake (You can even have a bake sale and raise money for charity or put it aside for your college savings)
🐾 Start singing or playing a musical instrument
🐾 Study a visual art discipline, such as painting or photography
🐾 Start a garden (You might help out your community by creating a community garden)
🐾 Learn self defense
🐾 Take a class in CPR or First Aid
🐾 Practice mindfulness or meditation
Physical activity is not only good for your body, but it’s also great for your mind. It can reduce stress, help you sleep better, and aid recovery from sadness or depression. If you are new to an exercise or physical activity, start slow in a setting where you feel comfortable. Information about these suggestions (and so much more) is available on the NHS website and particularly in the NHS Student Information Center (
“Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and you will accomplish your object.” (Harvey MacKay) Keep moving!