Title I
Title I Program Overview
What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federally funded educational program. This program, authorized by Congress through the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1968, provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals. Federal law requires that any school that has a poverty rate of 75% or higher must be served through the Title I program.
Title I Program Purposes
Title I Programs provide funds to districts in order to assist schools with the highest levels of economically disadvantaged students to:
- improve student achievement for all participating children
- Improve staff development
- improve parental, family and community engagement
What Families Should Know About Title I
Title I, Part A, is a federal grant program designed to give educational assistance to ensure that all children meet our student achievement standards. School programs use evidence-based instructional strategies and implement family engagement activities. Title I is dedicated to involving home and school, working together, to improve the educational opportunities for all students by helping them:
- succeed in the regular program
- attain grade-level proficiency
- Improve academic achievement
For more information, please see our District Title I website here.
Title I Documents
23-24 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan
2023-2024 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan.pdf 609.21 KB (Last Modified on September 26, 2023)