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Our PTA Board

  • 2024-2025 PTA Board


    President: Katie Kim

    VP of Membership: TBD

    VP of Programs: Micka Chini

    Treasurer: Amanda Chan

    Secretary: Amber Barton

    Ways and Means Chair: Lesley Banis

    Volunteer Coordinator: Lexi Weir

    Advocacy Chair: Megan Jansen


    If you have any interest in the Membership position on the board, please email

  • gkg

chiles dates

2023-2024 Calendar English

  • Have a dismissal change for your student?


    1. Please send ONE email

    2. Address Line:  Use AND the teacher's email (if there are multiple students, add all of the teachers' emails)

    3. Subject Line:  Use the students full name (first and last).  If there are multiple students, write all of the students' first names and the last name.

    4. Body of the email includes parent's full name


    Your child's safety is a TOP PRIORITY and having this information is VERY IMPORTANT!

    Thank you!

  • From the Advocacy Committee 

    PTA Supply Closet
    New this year, the PTA is stocking and organizing a supply closet that will house clothing, backpacks, school supplies, hygiene products, etc., available for staff to provide to students in need. Since this is new, we need your help to set it up and fill it. You can sign up here for a volunteer shift to organize the new space. You can also donate items to the bins outside the front office. Right now we are in need of kids socks (any size), kids underwear (boys or girls, any size), and laundry detergent. We also always collect new kids clothing items and school supplies including backpacks, 2” binders, composition notebooks, and pencil boxes. Thank you for your support! 

  • Hospitality Committee

    Greetings from the Hospitality Committee! If you are interested in volunteering with us, please email Megan Martin at The Hospitality Committee not only plans and executes Staff Appreciation Week each May, we also provide snacks and goodies to the staff throughout the year. Another aspect of the committee is that we recognize staff during their designated recognition days (i.e. Nurse's week, Administrative Assistant Day, etc.) While volunteering with the committee, you don't have to be present for all events, so it's great for those who work or have limited availability. We have some great events planned and would love to have you join us! Once again, email Megan Martin at if you're interested in joining the committee. 

  • Morning Mile

    Each morning, the students run, or walk, around the track.  The laps will be totaled and students will be rewarded as they accumulate miles.  

    Exercise not only works to fight childhood obesity, it allows students an opportunity to expend youthful energy and socialize. This helps them focus once the school day begins. It’s a win-win for everyone involved and Lawton Chiles Elementary is thrilled to promote fitness and all the great benefits that go with it.

    For more information about The Morning Mile please visit

    Click the link below to register your child. 

  • Interested in volunteering?

    Email Lexi Weir, Volunteer coordinator ( with questions. 


    Click HERE to fill out the required online application.


  • january

     Save the Dates - Upcoming Events  


    • Jan 14 - PTA General Membership Meeting at 6 p.m.
    • Jan. 17 - No School Teacher Workday
    • Jan. 20 - No School Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
    • Jan. 30 - STEAM Night 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
    • Feb. 21st - Skate Station Spirit Night from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
    • Feb. 22 - School Beautification Day! 


  • pta

  • Thank you Linda Vista for providing appetizers for our next general body meeting!


  • PTA Membership


    If you are not currently a PTA member and would like to join to help support the LCES students please click below to join on our Givebacks site.


    STEAM Night! 

    ; j

    Thursday, January 30
    6-7:30 p.m.
    Location: Chiles Cafeteria
    Join the LCES PTA as we host the Florida Museum of Natural History to bring Chiles students fun, educational and interactive STEAM activities!
    Keep a LOOK-OUT for more details on social media. 
    We need a lot of help to make this event successful!  If you are interested, please sign up by clicking the link button below!


  • Annual Beautification Day - February 22nd


    We have started initial planning for our annual school Beautification Day, which will be February 22nd. This year we will be focusing on cleaning up and beautifying the upper class playground area.  More details will be presented at our General Body meeting on January 14th.

  • From the Advocacy Committee:

    Multicultural Night


    Save the date of March 6th for the annual Multicultural Night at Chiles. This is a wonderful, energetic evening where Chiles families get to showcase part of their culture, heritage and customs through food, crafts, music and dance. Look for an email later this month with information on how to participate. 

    Teacher Minigrant update

    The 2024 Teacher Mini-Grants were a great success! In November all teachers at Chiles were invited to apply for a grant of up to $175 worth of materials and supplies that would directly benefit their students and the learning in their classroom. 24 teachers applied and we were able to fund all 24 projects for a total of $3,815. The funded projects include: complete classroom sets of books for novel studies; Gelli plates for art classes to learn a new print-making technique; wobble chairs to add flexible seating to classrooms; detective materials, like magnifying glasses, so all 3rd grade students can be detectives who look for evidence and clues in the text to find answers and also make science discoveries; ladybug houses and ladybug larva for all 1st grade classes.  Some pictures are below of the students enjoying their new classroom items purchased through the mini-grant program.


  • From the Ways and Means Committee:

    Fill-the-Fence, our Spring fundraiser, will kick off soon!

    Stay tuned for more information regarding our Fill the Fence fundraiser. Businesses and families will get a chance to purchase banners for the fence along Schoolhouse Road. 

  • LCES Carnival


    Please Save the Date for Chiles' Carnival: Friday, April 4th.


    We will have game booths, food trucks, bounce houses, rides and more!


    The carnival committee will start meeting soon to get planning underway! Please contact Lesley Banis if you would like to help! (

    More information about this fun PTA program and fundraiser, including how to be a carnival sponsor, will be sent out soon.


  • From the Teacher Appreciation Committee

    The PTA Hospitality Committee is gearing up to finish out the school year with lots of fun events and activities for our wonderful faculty and staff. We will start off the second half of the school year with our "Souper Thursday" on Feb. 6. On March 14, we will have "Pie Day" for the faculty and staff. Looking ahead, we will have Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-9. 
    Here is the SignUpGenius to donate soup and supples for the "Souper Thursday" lunch. SignUpGenius link here
    If you would like to volunteer to assist with set-up, serving and clean up for our "Souper Thursday", please visit the SignUpGenius here
    Thank you for all of your support!

  • News from our Volunteer Coordinator

    We have some fun volunteer opportunities for the new year! Please make sure you have an approved volunteer application on file. Email Lexi at with any questions.


    School Store (January through May)


    Help each grade level for one hour as classes come in to make their "purchases" with Cheetah Cash. This is an exciting event for students to get rewarded for their positive behaviors!


    Art Volunteers (January through May)


    Help hang students’ artwork, prep project materials, and support the kindergarten and ESE students. Ms. Grikstas is so thankful for the art volunteers this year!