Contact Us

Our PTA Board

  • 2024-2025 PTA Board


    President: Katie Kim

    VP of Membership: TBD

    VP of Programs: Micka Chini

    Treasurer: Amanda Chan

    Secretary: Amber Barton

    Ways and Means Chair: Lesley Banis

    Volunteer Coordinator: Lexi Weir

    Advocacy Chair: Megan Jansen


    If you have any interest in the Membership position on the board, please email

  • Have a dismissal change for your student?


    1. Please send ONE email

    2. Address Line:  Use AND the teacher's email (if there are multiple students, add all of the teachers' emails)

    3. Subject Line:  Use the students full name (first and last).  If there are multiple students, write all of the students' first names and the last name.

    4. Body of the email includes parent's full name


    Your child's safety is a TOP PRIORITY and having this information is VERY IMPORTANT!

    Thank you!

  • Interested in volunteering?

    Email Lexi Weir, Volunteer coordinator ( with questions. 


    Click HERE to fill out the required online application.


chiles dates
2023-2024 Calendar English