Clubs and Organizations

  • Joining a club in high school can help you make new friends, boost your extracurricular activity record and give your college application
    some help.  
    Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills and boost your resumé.

Co Curricular

Organization Sponsor Email Website
Academy of Finance Michele Brothers brothemm
AFJROTC Col James E Roberts/MgSgt Johnny Phelps robertsje, phelpsjm AFJROTC Website
Aviance Noah Graben grabennc
Band Noah Graben grabennc BHS Band
Buchholz Deutscher Verein (German Club) Sarah Luesch lueschsj
Buchholz Spanish Honor Society (BESO) Veronica Charbonnet charbonnetva
Chorus Steve Couch couchsd
DECA Wendy Rosche roschewl
Drama Club (Buchholz Players) Ted Lewis lewista
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Michele Brothers brothemm
Forensics/Debate Richard Burns burnsrm
Future Medical Professionals/HOSA Club Michael Hartman hartmanmh
Math Team Michele Brothers brothemm
Science Team Nicole Hipple hipplene
Student Council Brittany Bowers bowersbl
WCAT/ TV Production Morgan Gaskill gaskillmm
Yearbook Kevin White whitekj


Organization Sponsor Email Website
Key Club Amy Shrewsbury & Alexia Britton shrewsburyah, brittonan
Interact Club Jessica Morey moreyja


Organization Sponsor Email Website
Classy Cats (Invitation Only) Dr. Karen Kearney kearneke
Delta Epsilon Phi - National German Honor Society (Invitation Only) Sarah Luesch lueschsj
National Honor Society (Invitation Only) Elizabeth Cherena & Stacia Berben cherenaed , berbensj
National Technical Honor Society (Invitation Only) Michele Brothers brothemm
Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica - SHH (Invitation Only) Veronica Charbonnet charbonnetva
Thespians Ted Lewis lewista
Tri-M Honor Society (Invitation Only) Noah Graben grabennc


Organization Sponsor Email Website
Asian American Student Association (AASA) Richard Burns burnsrm
Basketball/Football Cheer Deputy Trueluck trueluckts
Black Student Union Deputy Trueluck trueluckts
BluesJammers Scott Allen allensw
Bobcat Buddies Amy Shrewsbury shrewsburyah
Buchholz Computing Olympiad Team Alex Payne payneac
Buchholz Deutscher Verein (German Club) Sarah Luesch lueschsj
Buchholz Elite Spanish Organization (BESO) Veronica Charbonnet charbonnetva
Chorus Club Steve Couch couchsd
Coder Girls Jessica Campbell campbellj
Creative Writing Workshop Richard Burns burnsrm
Crochet Club Carol Saitta saittacs
Dance Marathon (Fundraising for Shands Children's Hospital) Lindsey Lugrin lugrinlf
DECA Terry Hoffer & Wendy Rosche hoffert, roschewl
Digital Art and Design Club Jessica Campbell campbellj
Drama Club Ted Lewis lewista
Earth Club Terry Hoffer hoffert
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fishing Club Hayden Scharf scharfhw
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Michele Brothers brothemm
Future Educators of America (FEA) Denise Cueto cuetod
Future Medical Professionals /HOSA Club Michael Hartman hartmanmh
Garden Club Ana Casanova casanovaal
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)
HOPE Squad Heather Bates & David Brockes batesha, brockesdc
Interact Club Jessica Morey moreyja
Key Club Amy Shrewsbury & Alexia Britton shrewsburyah, brittonan
Letters for Rose Terry Hoffer hoffert
Mock Trial Club Jessica Morey moreyja
Paws4Life Erika Barahona barahonae
Pre-Collegiate Debra Fields filesda
Quiz Bowl Stacia Berben berbensj
Re-Run John Pettit pettitjd
Robotics Col. James Roberts & Marc Moody & Jess Campbell robertsje, moodyms, campbellj
Rock Climbing Club Robert Ash ashrj