EDEP at Norton Elementary



Degrees and Certifications:

Phyllis Baio, Coordinator

Email: baiopa (@gm.sbac.edu)

Phone: 352-955-7340
Cell: 352-262-1155
Program Hours: school dismissal to 5:30 pm

TAX ID# 59-6000500

 Link to the District EDEP Site



Program Information

  • Program hours are from school dismissal until 5:30 p.m.

    Late Fees will be charged beginning at 5:31 at a rate of $15 per child for every 15 minutes you are late.  Three late pick ups will result in dismissal from the program

EDEP Weekly Fees

  • Full Rate: $67.00

    Scholarship Rate III: $47.00

    Scholarship Rate II: $32.00

     Scholarships are available based on household income. The parent must complete an application and income verification to determine the proper fees to be charged. Until this form is processed everyone will pay the full rate.

     Please DO NOT drop checks off in the front office or with your child’s teacher.

Important Information

  • EDEP will not be responsible for your child’s cell phone. Cell phones must remain off and in your child’s backpack during EDEP. You are welcome to contact your child through the EDEP number, 352-955-7340. In the event a child must use his/her cell phone, to ensure the safety of all students it will be used under the direct supervision of the EDEP staff.

Activity Leaders

  • Norton 2023 Staff Mardi Gras Day

    Norton EDEP Staff Mardi Gras 2023


  • A minimum of thirty minutes of homework time is provided Monday – Thursday.  Although we cannot provide one on one tutoring, staff is constantly supervising the children.  Encourage your child(ren) to ask for help if they need.  If you have questions or concerns about your child’s homework please feel free to speak to Ms. Phyllis.

  • 2024-2025 EDEP Registration Requests

    Registration for the 2023 - 2024 school year is currently full.  To get on the waiting list you can fill out a registration card in the front office.  When a space is available it is chosen via a lottery system.  The registration fee, if you are chosen, is $25 per child.







Our Daily Schedule

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday___________________________

    1:52 – 2:30            Attendance/K-5 Supper Time ALL grades

    2:30 – 3:00            Homework Time for 2nd-5th grades   

                                 Free play for K-1      

    3:00 – 3:45            1st Rotation Activities

    3:45 - 4:30            2nd Rotation Activities

    4:30 – 5:00            Clean up time/Free play/Movie for all grades

    5:00 – 5:30            Get ready to go home



    12:37 – 12:55         Attendance

    1:00 – 1:55           1st Rotation Activities

    2:00 - 2:40             Supper time and Clean Up

    2:45 - 3:30             Homework Time Grades 2-5/Free Play Grades K-1

    3:35 - 3:45             Group Time Trivia

    3:45 - 4:30             2nd Rotation Activities

    4:30 - 5:00             Clean up time/Free play/Movie for all grades

    5:00 - 5:30             Get ready to go home



    1:52 - 2:30             Attendance/Supper time and clean up

    2:40 - 3:00             Trivia/Group Time/Mad Lib

    3:00 - 3:45             1st Rotation Clubs, Activities

    3:45 - 4:30             2nd Rotation Clubs, Activities

    4:30 - 5:00             Clean up time/Free play/Movie for all grades

    5:00 - 5:30             Get ready to go home


    All times above are approximations and are subject to change.