Parking, Picking Up and Dropping Off





    Hidden Oak Elementary 2024-2025

    Parent Dismissal Information / Procedures



    Bus Riders - Information about late buses can be found at Parents may also contact the front office.


    Car Riders - Each vehicle must have a yellow card displayed in the front windshield with student(s) First - Last Name & Grade written in LARGE BOLD print.  Parents will drive through the pick-up line and students will be called over the radio. During the first few days, parents may be asked to show a government-issued ID. You must have a yellow dismissal tag.  Dismissal tags are available from your child’s teacher or from the front office.


    Walkers - Students will be released from classrooms with the expectation that they can walk home independently, knowing there will be No Hidden Oak Staff Supervision once the student leaves the building to walk home .Walkers will exit the school through the front entrance.  If you would like to meet your child(ren) to walk home, please meet them at one of the two bike racks located on the north or south side of campus - NOT the front of the school where car riders are dismissed.


    There will be NO Kindergarten or First Grade students released as independent walkers.  Kindergarten and First Grade students must wait to be joined by an older sibling at the Park & Ride dismissal location inside the building.   Siblings must have a note from a parent / guardian indicating both siblings (identified by name and grade) are to meet and be released as walkers. There will be No Hidden Oak Staff Supervision once the students leave the building to walk home. Students will exit the Park & Ride dismissal area at the Kindergarten playground.


    Park & Ride - Parents are to park in the south or north parking lot and use the sidewalk to walk to the gate by the kindergarten playground. Please do not park in the main front parking lot and use the crosswalk to get students from the kindergarten area. Park & Ride is for students whose parent/ guardian is parking their vehicle and walking up to meet their child, or for families who walk to school from a close neighborhood to pick up their children.  


    Park & Ride is NOT for independent walkers.  If you would like to meet your child(ren) to walk home, please meet them at one of the two bike racks located on the north or south side of campus. 


    Automobile Loading/Unloading and Parking Lot Safety:

    Parents, please read the following and help keep our students safe. We ask that all drivers attend to the following:

    • The main driveway that passes directly in front of the school is the only designated student drop-off and pick-up location.
    • Students must always be escorted by an adult when walking through the parking lot. Always use crosswalks.
    • Please do not ask your child to walk through the parking lot to your car, or ask him/her to leave your car when not in the loading/unloading zone. 
    • The bus lane is for buses and service vehicles only. No personal vehicles are permitted in the bus lane between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

     Thank you for your patience as we work together to keep our students safe each day.