EDEP at Hidden Oak

Degrees and Certifications:
Taylor P. Mitchell, Program Coordinator
Email: Pritchettmitchellt (to complete address add: @gm.sbac.edu)
EDEP Phone: (352) 672-5273
Program Hours: school dismissal to 5:30 p.m.
TAX ID#: 59-6000500
Our Daily Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
1:52-2:30 Attendance and Snack
2:15-3:00 Homework/Outside Play/ Inside Activity
3:00-3:15 Trivia
3:15-3:45 1st Rotation Time
3:45-4:00 Trivia
4:00-4:30 2nd Rotation Time
4:30-5:15 Outside Play/Inside Activity/Clean Up
5:15-5:30 Good ByesWednesdays:
12:47-1:00 Attendance
1:00-1:45 Homework/Outside Play/Inside Activity
1:45-2:00 Snack
2:00-2:15 Trivia
2:15-3:15 1st Rotation Time
3:15-3:30 Trivia
3:30-4:30 2nd Rotation Time
4:30-5:15 Outside Play/Inside Activity/Clean UP
5:15-5:30 Good Byes
EDEP Registration
EDEP Registration for the 2023-2024 School YearWe are currently at capacity for the 2023-2024 school year.Fall Pre Registration 2024-2025 School YearWe are accepting waiting list cards that will place your child on our current waiting list for the 2024-2025 school year. You may stop by Hidden Oak to complete a waiting list card, placing your child on our waiting list. Cards are available in the front office and at EDEP during EDEP hours. Online Registration is not available. Once we have started the new school year, any available spaces will be offered to waiting list families through our district lottery process.Please contact Taylor Mitchell for further information.Thank you,Taylor P. MitchellEDEP Coordinator