Welcome to Zoning (Office of Student Assignment)
Department e-mail: zoning (@gm.sbac.edu) Phone: (352) 955-7700 Fax: (352) 955-7990
Martha Dean Manager, Office of Student Assignment e-mail: deanme
Dawn Boyer Specialist II, Student Assignment e-mail: boyerd
Andrea Casady Specialist I, Student Assignment e-mail: casadyam
Aimee Smith Specialist I, Student Assignment e-mail: smitha
Kim Benefield Specialist, Program Services e-mail: benefieldkm
New Alachua County Student School Enrollment
Enrolling in School
Click the link above for more information about enrollment and the link to the online enrollment application.
The Office of Student Assignment assigns school to property parcels based on geographic location within the county. Each parcel is assigned to an elementary, middle and high school. These are referred to as zoned schools. Students residing on a given property must attend the school to which the property is assigned.
Parents may apply to have their students attend schools other than their zoned schools. This is managed through the school choice/controlled open enrollment process, offered each spring for the following school year. Any school choice applications received after the deadline are placed at the bottom of the waiting list and processed only as time permits.
Parents who miss the school choice window or experience unforeseen circumstances may apply for a zoning exception based on specific hardship criteria. Requests not based on hardship reasons are to be treated as a request for school choice/controlled open enrollment. Zoning exceptions are granted for a single school year and must be renewed annually. Exceptions can be revoked at any time for student disciplinary problems, excessive absences or tardiness.
New residents or families with questions about what school your child is zoned to attend - please contact the District's Office of Student Assignment/Zoning Office at zoning@gm.sbac.edu or (352) 955-7700 to verify school attendance zone information.
Controlled Open Enrollment
Applications will be accepted February 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025. A fillable form will appear in this area for you to fill out during that timeframe.
Status notification emails plan on being sent out by the last day of April 2025.
Below is a link to a fillable form for the 2025-26 Controlled Open Enrollment request!
Request for Zoning Exception
School year 2024-25 Zoning Exceptions are being taken via fillable form (below). Please make sure you indicate the correct school year date.
School year 2025-26 Zoning Exceptions will be taken starting February 1, 2025, via fillable form (below). Please make sure you indicate the correct school year date.
Below is a link to an updated fillable application for Zoning Exception requests!
Click HERE to use the fillable form
Once you submit the application, it will automatically be sent to our Zoning email. If you are more comfortable printing the form and emailing the completed form, you may email it to zoning@gm.sbac.edu
Include specific information as to the reason why you need the zoning exception. You will receive an email to the address you include on the form letting you know if it is granted or denied. It could take up to two weeks to receive an email answer.