Dr. Kamela Patton, Superintendent

  • Dr. Kamela PattonDr. Kamela Patton is an esteemed educational leader dedicated to advancing student success and driving improvement in educational systems. She prioritizes the development of innovative programs and the use of emerging technologies to enrich learning environments and address the complex needs of today's students.  She has consistently demonstrated her ability to uplift educational standards through a combination of collaborative leadership, data-driven decision-making, and forward-thinking initiatives.  

    Dr. Patton’s impact extends beyond the traditional confines of educational leadership. A strong advocate for community engagement, Dr. Patton values partnerships with parents, educators, and stakeholders at every level, understanding that meaningful educational progress is a shared endeavor. Her work in these areas has established her as a trusted leader and advisor, helping to shape policies and practices that prepare students not just for academic success, but also for meaningful contributions to society.

    As a transformational leader, her dedication is evident in creating long-lasting improvements that address immediate needs and serve future generations, reinforcing her role as a respected advisor and influential figure in educational policy and practice.

    She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Miami, an M.S. in Reading Education from Nova Southeastern University, and a B.S. in Elementary Education from Messiah University.

    Dr. Kamela Patton is excited to join Alachua County as the interim superintendent, eager to bring her dedication to enhancing student achievement and supporting educators. She is enthusiastic about collaborating with the community to build on the district’s strong foundation. Dr. Patton looks forward to making a positive impact and guiding Alachua County Public Schools during this important transition.

Contact Us

  • Jenny Peck
    Assistant to the Superintendent
    email:  peckjo(@gm.sbac.edu)

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Dr. Patton's Resume

Messages from the Superintendent

  • Click here to view a Thanksgiving Message from Dr. Patton