Department Directory*
Directory Assistance: Connie Brower, Receptionist --- Ph: 352-955-7300
Adult Education: Shannon Ritter, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7035
- Athletics, PE Driver's Ed, CROP: Latroy Strappy, Manager of Special Projects --- Ph: 352-955-7035
Athletics & Physical Education: Gary Pigott, TSA --- Ph: 352-955-7035 -- Fax: 844-269-7587
Career & Technical Education: Shannon Ritter, Director ---Ph: 352-955-6849 -- Fax: 844-772-7672
Charter Schools: Ginger Stanford, Manager, Special Projects --- Ph: 352-955-7812
Communications & Community Initiatives: Jackie Johnson, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7545 -- Fax: 844-273-4946
Community Planning & Concurrency: Suzanne Wynn, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7400, 1445 -- Fax: 844-273-3852
Curriculum / Teaching & Learning: Jacquatte Rolle, Assistant Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7444
- Secondary: Manda Bessner, Executive Director --- Ph: 352-955-7812 -- Fax: 844-225-5070
- Elementary: Nannette Dell, Executive Director --- Ph: 352-955-7812
- Curriculum: Kelly McCluney, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7812
- K-12 School Improvement: Karla Hutchinson, Principal --- Ph: 352-955-7594
- K-12 School Improvement: Jim Kuhn, Principal --- Ph: 352-955-7630
Data Analytics, Accountability & Evaluation: David Shelnutt, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7623
- Testing: Todd Spina, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-7681
Driver Education: Kevin Hayes, Coordinator --- Ph: 352-955-6959
Education Foundation: Tia Brock-Paul, Executive Director --- Ph: 352-955-7250, 6415 -- Fax: 352-955-7122
Employee Benefits/Information: Laura Bolte --- Ph: 352-955-7577
Energy Systems: Theresa Spurling-Wood, Director --- Ph: 352-955-6703, 2110 -- Fax: 352-955-6872
eSchool: Bonnie Bing, Principal --- Ph: 352-955-6840
ESOL / Secondary ELA: Don Fitzpatrick, Specialist --- Ph: 352-955-7622
Exceptional Student Education: Kathy Black, Executive Director --- Ph: 352-955-7676
Extended Day Enrichment Program: Angel Londrie, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7766
Facilities, Planning & Const., Maintenance: Johnny Sanders, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7400-1401 -- Fax: 844-273-3852
Family Empowerment Scholarship: Ginger Stanford, Manager, Special Projects --- Ph: 352-955-7812
Finance / Purchasing: Gabrielle Jaremczuk, Assistant Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7559
- Purchasing: Jeff Garcia, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-7618, 1155 -- Fax: 352-955-7486
Food & Nutrition Services: Jamie Lovett, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7539, 1586 -- Fax: 844-726-2919
FTE/State Reporting: Kim Neal, Director --- 352-955-7712
Health Services: Johnelly Green, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7671, 1612
Home School: Ginger Stanford, Manager, Special Projects --- Ph: 352-955-7812
Homeless Education: Dr. Pamela Worsham, Coordinator --- Ph: 352-955-7323 -- Fax: 844-269-7610
Human Resources: Debbie Terry, Assistant Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7640
- Receptionist --- Ph: 352-955-7727
- Instructional: Laurie Bauer, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7706
- Non-Instructional: Marjory Francois, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7729
- Retirement: Chandra Moss --- Ph: 352-955-7705
Information Resources / Instructional Technology: Ph: 352-955-6850 Fax: 844-273-1875
- Help Desk / Computer Technology Support: Chauncey Freeman/Kurt Thomas/Kevin Wawrzaszek --- Ph: 352-955-7051 -- Fax: 844-273-1875
Internal Auditing: Mimi Caldwell, Internal Auditor --- Ph: 352-955-7611
- Crystal Workman, Auditing Assistant --- Ph: 352-955-7511
Magnet and Career & Technical Academies: Kim Neal, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7121
Media & Instructional Materials:
- Media: Patty Duval, Media Specialist --- Ph: 352-955-6860, 1512
- Instructional Materials: ______________, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1556
Migrant Education: Victoria Gomez de la Torre, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-6855
Networking & Technical Services: Nathan Foote, Director --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1550
- Voice Communications: Stephen Elmore, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1551
Parent Academy --- Tina Folston-Hayes, Parent Academy Specialist, Ph: 352-955-7676, ext. 6322
Payroll: Dan Venturini, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7660 Fax: 844-459-6690
Physical Distribution: Chris Killian, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-7753, 7400 -- Fax: 352-955-7417
Planning & Construction: Suzanne Wynn, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-7499, 1445
- Pre-K ESE: Kelly Brill Jones, ESE Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7676, 1630
- HIPPY: Stacey Williams, Program Coordinator --- Ph: 352-955-6703, 2102
- VPK: Trisha Rodriguez, Administrative Coordinator --- Ph: 352-955-6703, 2106
Professional Learning: Jennifer Petit-Frere, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7628 -- Fax: 352-955-7649
Project Development: Dr. Joram Rejouis --- Ph: 352-955-7605
Retirement: Chandra Moss --- Ph: 352-955-7705
Risk Management: Bart Brooks, Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7655 -- Fax: 844-591-4330
- Workers Compensation: Brandi McDowell --- Ph: 352-955-7677
Security & School Safety: Douglas Pelton, Chief --- Ph: 352-955-7514 -- Fax: 833-790-4408
Staff Attorney: Will Spillias, General Counsel --- Ph: 352-955-7461 -- Fax: 352-955-7598
- Public Records Request --- Ph: 352-955-7461
Student Assignment (Zoning): Martha Dean, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-7696, 1207
Student Records: Deborah Difranco --- Ph: 352-955-7740 -- Fax: 844-269-7051
Student Support Services: Dr. Anntwanique Edwards, Assistant Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7621, 1076
- Kathy Black, Executive Director --- Ph: 352-955-7676
Superintendent’s Office: Dr. Kamela Patton, Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7546
- Assistant to the Superintendent: Jenny Peck --- Ph: 352-955-7546
- Assistant to the School Board: Kim Green --- Ph: 352-955-7580
Deputy Superintendent: Dr. Cathy Atria, Deputy Superintendent --- Ph: 352-955-7544
Assistant to the Deputy Superintendent: Teresa Whitley --- Ph: 352-955-7544
System of Care: Veita Jackson-Carter --- Ph: 352-955-7676, 1675
Teacher Production Lab: David Stanley, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1509 -- Fax: 352-955-6872
Title I: Jennifer Steptoe, Director --- Ph: 352-955-7634, 1651
- Damera Hopkins, Student Services Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7676, 6342 (for Students)
- Alisha Williams, Employee Relations Supervisor --- Ph: 352-955-7713 (for Staff)
Transportation: Desiree Fisher, Director --- 352-955-7602, 1714
- Summer Harris, Executive Assistant --- Ph: 352-955-7602, 1714
- Routes / Bus Stops --- Ph: 352-955-7602, 1700 Fax: 844-269-8978
Voice Communications: Nathan Foote, Director --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1550
- Stephen Elmore, Manager --- Ph: 352-955-6850, 1551
Volunteer / Business Partners: Kelley Kostamo, Coordinator --- Ph: 352-955-7250, 6411
Printable Department Directory
Computer Help
For computer help (logging in, passwords and general computer help) please call 955-7051 for the Technology Help Desk which is for parents, students and employees.
Password self-help can be found here