
  • The Gainesville High Media Center provides users with a large collection of print and non-print resources, in addition to the availability of media specialists for consultation, co-teaching, collaboration and instruction. We provide instruction to encourage students to use information in all its forms and work with teachers to design instruction to meet the needs of students. Our job is to promote information literacy or the ability to access, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources and in a variety of formats.

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  • Summer Reading List 2024

    ~~~~~GRADE 9 ~~~~~

    English I (Read One)


    Fire on High                                                              Elizabeth Acedevo

    Forged by Fire                                                          Sharon Draper                                                               

    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime     Mark Haddon

     Handbook for Boys                                                 Walter Dean Myers

    Scythe                                                                      Neal Shusterman


    English I Honors (Read one)

    The Hobbit                                                            J.R.R.Tolkien

    The Chosen                                                         Chaim Potok

    Farewell to Manzanar                                         Jeanne Wakatsuki & James Houston


    Cambridge (read all)

    Born a Crime                                     Trevor Noah (either the Young Adult or regular version)

    All We Have Left                               Wendy Mills


    ~~~~~GRADE 10~~~~~

    English II (read one):

    Touching Spirit Bear                                                Ben Mikaelsen

    Uglies                                                                      Scott Westerfeld

    The Battle of Jericho                                               Sharon Draper


    English II Honors (read one):

    Just Mercy                                                                 Bryan Stevenson

    Salt to the Sea                                                          Ruta Sepetys



    Cambridge (read both):

    The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian                   Sherman Alexie

    Homegoing                                                                               Yaa Gyasi



    ~~~~~GRADE 11 ~~~~~

    English III (read one):

    The Pact                                                                      Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins & Rameck Hunt

    The Glass Castle                                                        Jeannette Walls

    A Long Way Gone                                                       Ishmael Beah

    English III Honors (read one):


    The Catcher in the Rye                 J.D. Salinger

    The Glass Castle                         Jeannette Walls

    A Raisin in the Sun                      Lorraine Hansberry


    AP Language & Composition (read both):

    The Glass Castle                                        Jeannette Walls

    Barracoon                                                  Zora Neale Hurston


    Cambridge (read both):

    The Glass Castle (memoir)                                   Jeannette Walls

    The Catcher in the Rye (novel)                                 J. D. Salinger


    •           Additional Assignment (one letter for each text):

    Write a 400 word letter from the perspective of one character/person to another regarding an important issue/concern related to a major theme in the novel/memoir. You are expected to review the formatting, structure, and language expectations of a personal and/or business letter. Decide whether the character/person would write a personal vs. business accordingly. Include relevant evidence from the text in the letter.

    ~~~ Both letters will be submitted through Turn It In


    ~~~~~GRADE 12 ~~~~~


    English IV (read one):

    The Code                                                               Mawi Asgedo

    Fences                                                                   August Wilson

    How it Went Down                                                 Kekla Magoon


    AICE English General Paper (Read One)

    The Color of Water                                                 James McBride

    Fences                                                                   August Wilson


    ~~~~~GRADE 12 ~~~~~


    AP Literature & Composition- (read both)

    Their Eyes Were Watching God                            Zora Neale Hurston

    How to Read Literature Like a Professor              Thomas Foster



  • Media Specialist - Robert Coe 

    Media Specialist - April Hogan

    Media Aide- Sonia Cardoso

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