Safety Patrols


    Terwilliger Safety Patrols Strike System

     A strike system is one in which an organization issues cumulative strikes to students if they break the rules or don’t meet the expectations of appropriate Safety Patrol behavior. If the student reaches a total of {3} strikes during the school year, the offender will lose his/her Safety Patrol belt permanently and will not participate in any Safety Patrol activities, including the Washington, D.C. trip.

     Behavior NOT acceptable of Patrols:

    ·         Behavior that does not reflect Safety Patrol expectations including, but not limited to: yelling, running, disrespectful language/attitude towards adults or other students, disrespectful behavior like rolling eyes or clicking teeth

    ·         Formal referral to office

    ·         Disruption in the classroom/removal from class

    ·         Intimidating/bullying other students (social, emotional or physical bullying)

    ·         Excessive absences/tardies to school – no more than 3 unexcused per quarter

    ·         Tardiness to post or unexcused absence from post (morning or afternoon duties)

    ·         Not wearing or improper wearing of patrol belt while at school

    ·         Student not in compliance with Alachua County school uniform policy

    ·         Missing 5 or more classwork or homework assignments per subject, per quarter

    ·         Any grade below a “C” on any report card

    ·         Other, as determined by teacher, faculty advisor, BRT, Assistant Principal or Principal


    • 1 Strike will result in a one week loss of belt and probationary period. Safety Patrol belt may be returned in one week, if no other disciplinary action is required.
    • 2 Strikes will result in a two week loss of belt and probationary period. Belt may be returned in two weeks, if no other disciplinary action is required.
    • 3 Strikes will result in PERMANENT LOSS OF BELT and removal from the Safety Patrol program.


    ***Safety Patrol belts must be worn at all times during the school day, except during P.E.