Mission, vision and Beliefs
Buchholz High School believes deeply in the value, dignity, and uniqueness of each student. We work to identify and develop individual potential through a wide variety of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular offerings. Students are encouraged to appreciate and understand different cultures as they prepare to take their places in a world community. We encourage enjoyment of the arts as a way to enhance students' understanding of themselves and their world. Acquisition of life skills emphasizes responsible decision making for healthy life styles and positive leisure time activities.
Buchholz fosters academic and intellectual growth. Every student should possess effective communication skills for reading, writing, and speaking in order to form rewarding personal and vocational relationships. Students should learn to use critical thinking skills to solve problems, understand and analyze historical principals, comprehend social, political and economic systems, and grasp scientific and environmental concepts.
Students must recognize vocational possibilities as well as academic opportunities. Each student should be given the opportunity for career exploration and preparation and learn to adapt successfully to an ever-changing world. Acquisition of technological skills is emphasized for both job entry skills and usefulness in post-secondary education.
Education of the whole student is our primary goal. We want our students to be responsible, well-adjusted and successful in reaching their goals; able to look back on their high school experience as an enjoyable transition from childhood to the achievement of their individual dreams.
The faculty of Buchholz High School work to:
- Foster personal identity and expression through the performing and visual arts.
- Assist students in developing leadership and human relations skills for effective interaction.
- Provide opportunities for career exploration and preparation.
- Promote acceptance and understanding of diverse cultures and values.
- Foster the social, intellectual, and emotional development of each student.
- Provide opportunities to develop and practice responsible decision making.
- Teach students techniques for independent learning as well as encourage habits for life long learning.
- Provide instruction in and model effective oral and written communication.
- Promote development of critical thinking, reading, and writing skills.
- Encourage mastery of basic communication and computation skills.
- Encourage students to apply scientific inquiry to solve problems and make decisions.
- Help students become informed, responsible citizens and consumers.
- Accommodate individual differences among students.
- Teach life skill to promote development of emotionally and physically healthy individuals.
- Provides opportunities for students to explore and select appropriate leisure time activities.
- Provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to function in an ever-changing technological society.
Vision Statement
Buchholz High School accepts the responsibility to help all students to attain personal, academic, and career goals while striving for excellence in all areas. The students, staff, parents, and business community, working in partnership, will commit to creating a community that cares about, supports, encourages, and expects adherence to high academic, social, and moral standards.