Title I
Title One School Improvement Initiative
Title I School Improvement InitiativeThe Florida Department of Education Title I School Improvement Initiative has allocated funds to Title I schools identified as in need of improvement, corrective action or restructuring for not meeting the State’s annual adequate yearly progress (AYP) target in reading, math or science.
Funds have been allocated to schools to implement the following strategies:
1. High quality, Job embedded professional development for teachers and administrators. Job-embedded professional development refers to teacher learning that is grounded in day-to-day teaching practice and is designed to enhance teacher content-specific instructional practices with the intent of improving student learning.
2. Implement professional learning communities (PLC) and conduct book studies. Plan learning communities are groups of faculty who meet regularly to study more effective learning and teaching practices. They share common learning goals that align with school and|or district goals for student achievement. Book studies are activities that engage staff in critical reading, intentional dialogue and job embedded learning with the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning.
3. Extended learning opportunities (ELO) through the use of before and|or after school tutoring. Funds may also be used to hire instructional paraprofessionals and teacher tutors.
4. Purchase supplemental instructional materials and supplies to meet the different academic levels and needs of students.
Title I Documents
Title I Home School Compact
This is the agreement we have as educators and families to work together to further our children's education.
Title I Parent Family Engagement
See ways to stay involved in what your child does at school!
Annual Title I Meeting Notes
Here is the PowerPoint from the annual meeting -- 2024-2025.