We Love Volunteers

  • Be a school volunteer!

    There are many ways that you can support the students at Stephen Foster Elementary. From chaperoning field trips and helping in the media center to making copies and career day volunteer, there is a place for you at our school. The active participation of parents and community members in the classroom extends the effectiveness of teachers and staff. Volunteers also help the district deliver valuable services to students and schools that would not be feasible without the support of the community.



    * Helping a teacher with paperwork, class events, or student support

    * School sign updates, answering phones, filing, greeting visitors or students in and out of school and providing directions for visitors

    * Help in the Media Center with shelving books and media related activities



     * Open House
    * Career Fair
    *School Pictures
    * Science Fair
    * Fine Arts Fair
    * Reading Assessment Testing
    * Spelling Bee
    * 5th grade Awards Ceremony
    * Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
    * Yearbook
    * Grade Level Field Trips
    * Box Tops for Education
    * Donate baked goods

    If you think you will go on a field trip or help in your child’s classroom at any time during the year, you must fill out the volunteer application. You can also come to the School Volunteer office to complete the volunteer application. You can even apply with your smartphone.

    Safety is our priority. Therefore, all volunteers are required to complete a new application each year. As part of standard safety practices, all volunteers and visitors must provide a photo ID each time they visit an Alachua County Public School or facility. A national check of the sexual predator registries is completed each time a volunteer checks into our facilities. Other criminal history websites are checked as warranted. Please answer all legal questions completely and honestly to ensure that you will be eligible to volunteer. 

    The Raptor web address for the volunteer application is: bit.ly/ACPSapp

    Please contact the office at (353) 955-6706 or the School Volunteer Office if you have questions-352- 955-7250 X252. We love volunteers

    See you at Foster!!