• Assessments Required for Graduation

    Grade 10 ELA and Algebra 1

  • Grade 10 ELA

    The FAST ELA Reading assessment is administered in the Spring semester of 10th grade

    Students can prepare for the FAST ELA Reading by visiting https://flfast.org/families.html

    Passing scores:

    Students may also meet the Grade 10 ELA requirement by earning a concordant score in one of the following tests:

    To learn more about the ACT, SAT, and CLT, please visit  ACT, SAT, & CLT


  • Algebra 1

    The BEST Algebra 1 EOC is administered in the Spring semester of the Algebra 1 course

    Students can prepare for the BEST Algebra 1 EOC by visiting https://flfast.org/families.html

    Passing scores:

    Students may also meet the Algebra 1 assessment requirement by earning a concordant score in one of the following tests:

    To learn more about the ACT, SAT, and CLT, please visit  ACT, SAT, & CLT