Message from the Counselors

  • Counselor Sign

    As school counselors, we provide services to support our students’ academic and social/emotional growth and development as well as their career development. Services to students include Individual and Small Group Counseling, Classroom Guidance, and Consultation. In addition to working directly with our students, we consult and collaborate with teachers and parents, regarding the developmental concerns and needs of our students, through Educational Planning Team meetings, 504 Accommodation meetings, and parent/teacher conferences. We also coordinate, design and implement special programs which target a variety of academic and personal/social life skills and concepts. Our goal is to support our students by addressing their developmental needs, and by facilitating their acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful learners, both in school and throughout their lives.

    We encourage you to contact either of us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.


    Lisa Patino, Ed. S.