After School Options
Sidney Lanier does not currently offer after school care or services. If you are interested in enrolling your child in an after school program, please use the information below.
After School Options
21st Century Learning Center
The 21st CCLC programs support the creation of community learning centers that provide students (particularly those who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools) with opportunities for academic enrichment, personal enrichment, and other activities designed to complement the members of actively participating students through educational and personal development opportunities.Extended Day Enrichment
The EDEP is a non-profit after-school child care program for elementary age children who are enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade, and is supported solely by parent fees and in-kind services from each school.The goal of the EDEP is to provide a safe and enriching program which supports the family, school, and community. It provides opportunities for children to develop socially, emotionally, and physically, within a warm and caring atmosphere.