Promotion Requirements
What are FSA Achievement Levels 1 through 5? What is an acceptable performance level?
All students in grades 3 through 10 are scored within five performance levels. The five levels are:High Level 5: Successful with the most challenging grade-level content Level 4: Mostly successful with challenging grade-level content Level 3: Partly successful with grade-level content – performance is on grade level Level 2: Limited success with grade-level content Low Level 1: Minimal success with grade-level content
Students scoring in Levels 1 or 2 are achieving below grade level and are in need of additional assistance.Students scoring in Levels 3, 4, or 5 are achieving at or above grade level.In third grade, students who score Level 1 on the Grade 3 FSA ELA assessment must meet a good cause exemption or demonstrate grade-level reading skills on an alternate test or through a portfolio of their school work in order to be promoted to Grade 4. Mid-year promotion alternatives are also stipulated for good cause promotion to Grade 4 in State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.094222, FAC.
Grades K-5
A = 90-100
B+ = 87-89
B = 80 – 86
C+ = 77-79
C = 70-76
D+ = 67-69
D = 60-66
F = 0-59