Title I
Our school-related Title I documents are listed on this page and available for download. Additional information can be found at our district Title I site.
Title I Documents and Forms
2024-2025 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan - English
2024-25 Title I District Parent Family Engagement Plan - English.pdf 235.01 KB (Last Modified on September 4, 2024) -
2024-2025 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan - Spanish
2024-25 Title I District Parent Family Engagement Plan - Spanish.pdf 196.74 KB (Last Modified on September 4, 2024)
What's coming up?
9th Meet the Teacher
27th Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - Standards
5th Title 1 Annual Meeting 5:45PM
Open House following Annual Meeting
24th AR Night 5:00-7:00PM
1st Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - EPT/IEP/504 Process
21st Family Fun Night 6PM
3rd Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - Educational Activities for Winter Break
14th Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - FAST, Dibels, and ISIPs
4th Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - Educational Activities for Spring Break
6th Coffee and Chat 8:00AM - Educational Activities for Summer Break
TBA Transitioning to Middle School
TBA Kindergarten Round Up