
  • Eastside High School      
    1201 SE 43rd Street
    Gainesville, FL 32641

    Phone: 352-955-6704
    FAX: 844-667-1773



    Leroy Williams, Principal williamslv
    Samuel Coleman, Assistant Principal of Administration colemansm
    Regina Currens, Assistant Principal for Curriculum currenrm
    Eliscia Mosley, Assistant Principal of Student Services mosleyej
    Title IX Coordinator  

    Note: Email addresses are followed by

Program Directors

Full Name Title Email Website
Bedford, Pamela Institute of Culinary Arts Coordinator bedfordpa ICA website
Daignault, Rachel Activities Director daignarm
Davis, Lamonica Medical Skills Program Coordinator davislm
Gonsoulin, Derek Athletic Director gonsoulindg
Gully, Lori International Baccalaureate Program Coordinator gullyll


Full Name Title Email Website
Mills, Rodney 11th & 12th Grade Dean millsjrb
Armstrong, Leslie 9th Grade Dean thomaslm1
Williams, Brandie 10th grade Dean williamsbm


Full Name Title Email Website
Deputy Brathwaite SRObrathwaitemd
Deputy Miller millerjw1

Student Services Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Brown, Lindsey Per-Z Alpha brownln
Rant, Jeff H-Pep Alpha rantjw
Reshard, Tanasha A-G Alpha reshardtl
Vaknin, Amy School Counselor vakninar
Williams, Dreall Test Coordinator williamsdl

Library Media Center

Full Name Title Email Website
Strange, Laronda Media Aide iveylj
McKey, Marianne Media Specialist mckeyml
Meyers, Tammy Media Specialist meyersts

Career & Technical

Full Name Title Email Website
Bedford, Pamela Culinary Arts 1-4 bedfordpa ICA site
Davis, Lamonica Anatomy and Physiology 10th, Medical Skills Program davislm
Hoskins, Harold Digital Media hoskinshe
Mallary, Johnny Barbering mallaryjj
Vaughn, Richard Culinary Arts 1-4 vaughnra

Fine Arts Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Concepcion Rivera, Alek IB Music, Chorus, Vocal Ensemble concepcionriveran
Howard-Blaskowsk, Luann Art 1,2,&3, IB Art, Drawing Honors, Art 3 Honors howardblaskowskilw
Lytton, Daniel Theater, IB Theater, Film lyttondb
Millman, Sean Music of the World/Guitar, Beginning Band, Advanced Band millmansc

English Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Brown, Josephine 10th & 11th Grade Reading brownjw
Brown, Matthew AP Literature; English 2 brownmj1
Ingram, Frances English 2, AP English Language ingramfj
Joiner, Hailey IB Language & Lit. 2 joinerhj
Lacy-Shitama, Amanda IB English Literature, 12th Grade Reading lacyam Website
MacDonald, Margaret IB Seminar, World History Honors macdonaldmf
Murphy, Terry English Coteach, Access English murphyrt
Prem-Das, Renee Pre IB English 1, 10th Grade Reading premdasra Website
Reardon, Thomas AP English Literature & ENC1101/1102 reardonto
Tanner, Cynthia Pre-IB AP English Language; AP English Language tannercm
Thomas, Samantha Pre-IB English 1 thomassn
Turner, Lonna English 1 turnerll
Warren, Brianca IB Language & Lit. 1 warrenbs

Math Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Bullock, Emily IB Math A&I, AP Statistics, Statistics Honors bullockeh Website
Coleman-Hayes, Liz Algebra 2; Pre-Calculus Honors; CROP colemalm Website
Davis, Melanie Geometry, Access Math, Math Coteach davisma2
Dold, Robin IB Calculus AB, IB Calculus BC, AP Pre-Calculus, IB Pre-Calculus doldrl Website
Driver, Robert Math for College Liberal Arts, Financial Literacy driverrg
Hensley, Jordyn Algebra 1a, Algebra 1 Honors hensleyja
MacLean, Shelley Geometry Honors, Pre-IB Geometry macleansb Website
Mcintosh, Hamadi Pre-IB Algebra 2, Algebra 2, AP PreCalc mcintoshhr
Wishin, Brittany Geometry, Geometry Honors, Yearbook wishinbl

Science Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Akinyode, Adenike IB Biology 2 &3, Biology Honors, IB Biology 1 akinyodeam
Allen, Jon Biology Honors, Pre-IB Biology allenjr
Bennett, Rachel Environmental Science bennettr
Davis, LaMonica Medical skills davislm
Deal, Bryon Chemistry Honors, IB Chemistry 1,2,&3 dealbw
Doherty, Steven IB and AP Environmental Science, Environmental Systems, Anatomy & Physiology dohertys
Flanders, Shaniah Forensic Science, Biology Honors flanderssn
Gulledge, Jeffery Pre IB Chemistry, IB Physics gulledgejk
Reynaud, John Science Coteach, Math Coteach, Access Science reynaujh
Williams, Kayla Biology, Biology Honors williamskc

Social Science Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Bosworth, Bhakta AP Human Geography, World History, IB Psychology bosworthb New website
Burnham, Joseph English CoTeach, Access Social Studies burnhamjr
Crawford, Angel AP U.S. History crawfordaa
Lyons, Jemeshia African History Honors/African American History Honors, World History Honors, AP Government/US Government Honors lyonsjs Website
Reinhard, Adam AP & IB US History; Theory of Knowledge (TOK) reinhaai Website
Sayeski, Heather World History sayeskihb
Scott, Karlene Government/Economics, AP Micro Economics/AP Government scottkl
Twedell, Jason US Government/Contemporary History, AP Microeconomics/AP Government twedelljm
Wasserman, Andrew AP World History, AP Research wasseral Website
Zara-Smith, Kathryn IB History, AP US History zarasmithkl

World Languages Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Daignault, Rachel French 2, Pre-IB French 1 & 2 daignarm Website
DeJesus, Yaraliz Spanish 2, Pre-IB Spanish 2, IB Spanish 3 dejesusy Website
Torres, Beatrice French 1; French IB 3,4,&5; Pre-IB Spanish 2 gerardinbl Website
Vernon, Kevin Spanish 1, Pre IB Spanish 1 vernonkm Website
Zelaya, Maria IB Spanish 4 & 5; Pre IB Spanish 2; CAS zelayame Website

PE and others

Full Name Title Email Website
Carter, Leeland Basketball, Learning Strategies cartolo
Gonsoulin, Derek Driver's Education gonsoulindg
Shaur, Jennifer Weight Lifting, Personal Fitness, Team Sports, Volleyball shaurjm

Virtual School

Full Name Title Email Website
Doby, Justin eSchool dobyjc
Greenlee, Tameika eSchool greenleetk

Naval Science Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Byers Hickmon, Sr. NJROTC I - IV hickmobl Website
John Philippon NJROTC I - IV philipjd Website

Instructional Support

Full Name Title Email Website
Shikara Brown ESE Office brownsr
Nancy Gunter Paraprofessional, ESE guntern
Melody McMann Paraprofessional, ESE mcmannme
Bobby Solomon Paraprofessional, Gym solomonbe

Technology Support

Full Name Title Email Website
Scrivener, Saundra Technology Support scrivesc
Taylor, Reginald Computer Lab Proctor taylorrj

Support Staff/Office Staff

Full Name Title Email Website
Harrison, Mary Database Clerk harrisml
Haywood, Wandulyn Registrar haywooww
Hicks, Latoynia Dean Secretary hickslr
Mann, Patricia Guidance Secretary, Senior Class Sponsor & Athletic Business Manager mannpl
Phillips, Tarphanesha Secretary, Attendance phillipste
Ray, Lentieria Bookkeeper raylc
Reedy, Tammera Executive Assistant reedyts
Singleton, Lillie Front office secretary singlelm
Slayton, Donald Plant Mechanic slaytondl


Full Name Title Email Website
Kimberly Peoples Nurse peopleskd

Food Service

Full Name Title Email Website
Keller, Amy *Food Service, Manager kelleram
Greene, Ruby Food Service greeners
Mallary, Loretta Food Service mallaryl
Mosley, Delores Food Service mosleydf
Pendergrast-Lee, Mary Food Service prendergrastleemd
Walker, Rosalinda Food Service walkerr
Wimberly, Tonya Food Service wimberlytd


Full Name Title Email Website
Kelly, Vaughn *Lead Custodian
Clark, Sylvia *Lead Custodian clarksd
Caldwell, Carlene Custodian
Johnson, Samuel Custodian
Mann, Jonell Custodian
Phillip, Bernard Custodian
Taylor, Timothy Custodian
Thomas, Willie Custodian
Turner, Linda Custodian
Williams, Kevin Custodian
Williams, Phillis Custodian
Williams, Valerie Custodian