Membership Requirements

  • 1.  Members must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA

    2.  Members will model good citizenship on campus at all times.  A level II referral will result in review by the teacher executive committee.  

    3.  Members will attend all NJHS meetings.  If you will miss a meeting, you must give Mrs. Pratto 24 hour notice or a note from a parent.  Unexcused absence from more than one meeting will result in a review by the teacher executive committee.

    4.  Members will fulfill their service requirements. This includes both individual and chapter service projects.

    The teacher executive committee meets to review a member's participation and character each 9 weeks.  GPA will be reviewed using semester grades.  At that time,  members who are in violation of the requirements will be placed on probation or dismissed from the NJHS.