
    Welcome to Student Support Services!

    We are here to offer assistance to students and families. Student Support Services extend sincere care through specialized areas - Exceptional Student Education, Student Services, Educational Equity and Outreach, and the Office of Student Assignment. We value school experiences and are committed to the success of every student.


Phone: 352-955-7621 x1076

Email: edwardad@gm.sbac.edu

Dr. Anntwanique Edwards

Dr. Anntwanique Edwards was selected as the Chief of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement in 2021. In Fall 2024, her title changed to Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services where her dedicated service to children's success remains constant. Dr Edwards has worked with the School Board of Alachua County for more than two decades. She has served as a teacher's aide, substitute teacher, middle and high school counselor, and school-based administrator. Dr. Edwards, a native of Connecticut, moved to Gainesville after graduating from high school and has attained several degrees from the University of Florida; Associate of Arts, Bachelors in Sociology, Masters and Specialist in Counselor Education and Mental Health Counseling, second Masters and PhD in Educational Leadership. Additionally, she earned a certificate in Equitable Community Change from Cornell University. Dr. Edwards is a member of civic and community organizations where her role, leadership, and passion for helping youth and young adults remains evident. She believes that education is the door to opportunities and all students should have exposure to the best learning experiences. 

  • Educational Equity & Outreach
  • Exceptional Student Education
  • Student Services
  • Zoning (Student Assignment)

    Our Vision

    Our vision for our students is that they will graduate with the knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics to be lifelong learners and independent thinkers. We want our graduates to excel in their chosen careers and be productive and contributing members of the global community. 


    Our Mission

    We are committed to the success of every student.


    2024-2025 District Priorities 


    Average Daily Attendance Goal: ≥ 95% for all schools, regardless of school improvement status or student demographics

    Reduce chronic absenteeism rate for all schools. 

    •Traditional, combination, and center schools
    •School Improvement/fragile schools Subgroups (African-American, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners)


    • 100% Schools aligning with MTSS Model (80-15-5)
      • 80% Students with 0-1 Offenses
      • 10-15% students with 2-5 Offenses
      • ≤ 5% with 6+ Offenses
    • 100% Schools implementing PBIS Model
      • 50% schools with effective core (evidence of implementation with fidelity, increasing 22%)
    • Increase rate of proportionate discipline among students
      • Reduce Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS) by 10% for Black Students
      • Reduce OSS by 10% for Students with an IEP
    • Reduce the percentage of schools that have OSS at or above the state median by 20%

    Community Engagement:

    • Increase the number of community engagement activities offered to families
    • Provide participant surveys for community engagement events
    • Increase the number of students participating in the Amplified group

    Mental Health:

    • 100% of Secondary Students participating in Habitudes
    • 100% of schools deliver 5-Hour MH Lessons
    • ≥ 80% of staff completed Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training 
    • Offer alternate opportunities for mental health support for students; increase the number of students served by Hazel Health.