We're glad you're here!

  • Welcome to the Office of Student Assignment (Zoning)

    We assist families with student assignment to schools based upon their geographic locations. Student enrollment is based upon attendance zones for elementary, middle and high schools. We are here to direct families that experience challenges that serve as barriers to regular school attendance. We value regular school attendance for all children and emphasize the importance of following state statutes, board policies, and district procedures to guide enrollment decisions.Please do not delay your school enrollment, every day of attendance matters.. 

Phone: 352-955-1207

Email: deanme@gm.sbac.edu

Martha Moore

Martha Dean Moore is a zoning specialist with more than forty years experience in the Office of Student Assignment. Ms. Moore exemplifies concerns about student placement and 

  • Student Enrollment

  • Zoning Exemptions

  • School Board Policies

  • Rezoning Considerations

All Locations