• Welcome to the Office of Educational Equity and Outreach

    Equity is defined as "the quality of being fair and impartial." It is a value system that must be prioritized to be effective. Equity is a humanistic approach that says each person is valuable and, because each person matters, the collective body is stronger. Educational Equity is grounded in practices that afford all students access to resources, contributing to their success in our local and global community.

    The Office of Educational Equity and Outreach was established in September 2017 specifically to address the achievement gap through the development of an equity plan, training, and community partnerships. From its inception, the office has focused on providing training with teachers and administrators on culturally responsive classrooms, facilitating a book study with school-based administrators, providing presentations to local community-sponsored groups, and meeting with parents and other community stakeholders. Our equity lens provides a broad view of growth and development that encompasses all students. Each student is valued regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, English Language Proficiency, or other factors. 

Phone: 352-955-7676

Email: masencupja@gm.sbac.edu

Jesely Alvarez

Jesely Alvarez joins our team as the Director of Educational Equity and Outreach. She has served the School Board of Alachua County since 2018 as a principal, assistant principal, and district chair for the Dual Language Immersion Committee. Jesely began her educational career on the West Coast in Seattle, Washington and California's Central Coast where she served as an ESOL instructor, curriculum coordinator, elementary and secondary teacher, assistant principal, and principal. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Multicultural Education from the University of Washington, Masters in Education from Antioch University, and Educational Leadership certifications from the Danforth Educational Leadership Program at the University of Washington. Jesely earned several accolades throughout her career including, U.S. Department of Education Fulbright Fellowship Grant Recipient in Chiapas, Mexico, Woman of the Year in California’s 35th Assembly District, and the Association of California School Administrators Elementary Principal of the Year. As the daughter of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, she believes that education is the key to positive generational change and finds joy in helping students and families attain it.

  • The CORE

  • Amplified: Student Voice Coalition

  • Equal Educational Opportunity - Annual Report

  • College Boot Camp

  • District Equity Leadership Team (DELT)

  • International Welcome Center

  • Language Access Plan

  • Parent Academy

All Locations