Course Registration
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Please review your graduation requirements in Skyward and review the registration presentation to help your student select the right classes for them. We have also created a webpage that provides you with advising information and resources to help guide you through this process.
We are offering an AP Information Night and Open House on March 13th starting at 5:30pm. At this event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about our Advanced Placement classes and also talk to our teachers about the different programs and courses we offer.
Important Update! We use course requests to build our master schedule so having accurate information is very important in how many classes we can offer, as well as our class sizes. In order to have the most efficient schedule, it is important that students are intentional with their requests. Changes after your counselor meeting will be limited to availability and approval from your counselor and administration.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your assigned school counselor. Last Names A-Go have Mrs. Boukari; Last Names Gr-N have Mrs. Grunder; Last Names O-Z have Ms. Endorf.
*You can also join Ms. Endorf after hours at Beyond the Bell! I am available between 3:45 and 5:45 every Monday and ThursdayVisit and click on Join the Session.