• Hawthorne Middle/High School

    21403 SE 69th Ave
    Hawthorne, FL 32640
    Phone: 352-481-1900
    FAX: 352-955-6999



    John Green , Principal

    Email: greenje

    Jill Atchley, Assistant Principal, Title IX Coordinator Email: atchleyjl

    Note: Email addresses are followed by @gm.sbac.edu.

Leadership Team

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Greg Bowie Athletic Director bowiegl
Cedderick Daniels Dean danielcl
Dr. Cheryl Johnson Activities Director johnsoncj
Melinda Meyer Title 1/ Instructional Intervention Coach/Middle School meyerms
Jessica Molander Executive Assistant molanderjr
Jayanne Nowaski ELA nowaskij
Emily-Ann Rogers Counselor rogersel
May Steward Science stewarms
Annette Verschaeve Social Science verschal View

Support Staff

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Joseph Scheerer Paraprofessional
Claudia Beverly-McDonald Database/Registrar beverlymcdonaldcp
Dawn Blizzard Family Liaison blizzardd
Hayli Collins ESE Clerical collinshs
Linda Funston Senior Clerical Assistant funstolc
Charles Hawkins Softball Coach, Para hawkinsca
Angie Jenkins Food Service Manager jenkinsa
Alta Johnson Students Service Specialist johnsoas
Katrina Mann Paraprofessional mannkd
Jessica Molander Executive Assistant molanderjr
Angela Moore Bookkeeper mooreal
Sheryle Williams Paraprofessional williamssj
Carolyn Wright Media Aide/Volunteer Coordinator wrightcr

English Department

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Hunter Ackerman 9th ELA ackermanhj
Jayanne Nowaski 6th/8th ELA nowaskij
Jessica Rockstein ELA 8th rocksteinjl

Math Department

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Raymond Cue Geometry and AICE Math cuero
Mary Frieg 6th, 7th, 8th Math friegmc
Melinda Meyer Math 7th, 6th Math meyerms
Sonia Rivera 7 Advanced/8th Grade/Algebra 1 riveras

Science Department

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Michael Cassels Ag. Science casselsmw
Brian Ford Biology/Marine fordbw
Leona Persad 8th Grade Science/Environmental Science persadl
May Steward 6th/7th Grade Science stewarms

Social Studies Department

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Willow Fowler 8th Grade US History/9th Grade World History fowlerwl
Adrienne Hill 6th US History, Civics hillaj1
Annette Verschaeve Econ, US Gov, AP US History, African and African-American History, Social Studies Chair verschal View

Special Area - Electives

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Greg Bowie Head Basketball Coach, ESE bowiegl
Michael Cassels Agriculture Teacher casselsmw
Carolina Currea Spanish, Nutrition curreac
Dr. Karen Harmon E-Virtual School harmonkw
Cornelius Ingram PE, Head Football, Head Girls Basketball ingramcj
Stacy Mudra Media Specialist mudrasa
Angela Wright Online Learning wrightai View


Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Greg Bowie 9-12 Learning Strategies, English Support grades 6-8 bowiegl
Jayanne Nowaski ELA ESE nowaskij

Custodial Staff

Full Name Title Email Phone Ext Website
Ken Daddio Head Custodian daddiokm
Chris Holt Lead Custodian
Tammy Rutledge Custodian
Leatha Davis Custodian
Lavares "JT" Turner turnerl1