PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)

  • Welcome to the Oak View Middle School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

    Welcome to the Oak View Middle School PTO Page.  We hope that you will take some time to see what is new!

  • Oak View Middle School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

    The Oak View Middle School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) encompasses parents, family members, teachers, staff, and business partners. Our PTO strives to encourage Oak View and the community to work together for the benefit of all our students. We focus on raising funds to support Oak View events, activities, and academic/technology needs throughout the school year. Thanks to the generous support from our Oak View families and community members, the PTO routinely helps with projects such as:  supporting PBIS,  purchasing new technology for classrooms,  providing mini grants to fund teacher projects,  providing financial support for end-of-year field trips, purchasing items to improve our campus, and providing recognition of our outstanding teachers and staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation events. 

    Questions?  Contact us at!  


    This year’s PTO Officers and Leadership Team includes:

    Keep Calm and Join PTO Today!
    President: Lauren Price   

    VP Programs: Nicolle O'Steen 

    Recording Secretary: Open  

    Corresponding Secretary: Tiffany Castle 

    Treasurer: Heather Sergile  

    Volunteer Coordinator: Open

    Fundraiser/Business Liaison: Dada McGlynn  

    Spirit Night Chair: Libra James 

    Teacher Appreciation: Carrie Howard & Stacey Hectus  

    Principal: Jared Taber 

    Assistant Principals: Bessie Criscione and Eugenia Campbell

    Teacher Liaison: Open


    How to get involved? There are at least 3 ways!

    1. Join the PTO! Just complete a membership form. The suggested donation is just $5, and all dues and donations stay at Oak View!   
    2. Volunteer! We welcome your help with board positions and volunteer opportunities at PTO events. Contact us:! We will find out what you are interested in and get you connected to the right committee!  
    3. Participate in Fundraisers
      • Walk-a-Thon (each spring)
      • Birthday Sign - for $10, you can have “Happy Birthday” and your child’s name posted on the Oak View sign in front of the school (forms below)
      • Make a membership donation or another donation (forms below)


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  • Take Pride in Oak View Middle School. Prepared. Respectful. In-control. Determined. Engaged.

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a way for schools to encourage good behavior. As part of the program, students are rewarded points that they spend in the PBIS store.

    You can help support this program with donations for the store. Students like the following:
    School supplies (cool pens, mechanical pencils, erasers)
    Snacks (individually wrapped such as skittles, ring pops)
    Xbox gift cards, small hand sanitizer

    Cash donations are accepted as well. If you would like to give to this program, contact Mr. Lynch at Thanks!

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OVMS PTO Calendar