
  • Oak View Middle School

    1203 SW 250th St
    Newberry, FL 32669
    Phone: 352-472-1102
    FAX: 844-726-2914



    Jared Taber, Principal taberjc
    Eugenia Campbell, Assistant Principal (Administration / Title IX Coordinator) campbellel
    Bessie Criscione, Assistant Principal (Curriculum) criscionebl

    Note: Email addresses are followed by


Full Name Title Email Website
Eugenia Campbell Assistant Principal (Administration) campbellel
Bessie Criscione Assistant Principal (Curriculum) criscionebl
Jared Taber Principal taberjc

Front Office

Full Name Title Email Website
Lisa Elmore Executive Assistant elmorelr
Barbara (Barbie) Haper Guidance Clerical haperbs OVMS Counseling Center
Windy Bell Senior Clerical bellwe
Asia Williams Database Specialist williamsad New Student Registration
Phylisa Ware Student Services Specialist warepk
Heather Rogers, RN Clinic / Registered Nurse rogershb
Tracy Goolsby Clinic/LPN goolsbytd
Tanesha Seabrooks Clerical Aide and Substitute Coordinator seabrotr

Support Staff

Full Name Title Email Website
Althere Ross-Brown Food Service
Chrisine Giddings ESE Paraprofessional
Evelyn Morales Food Service
Gabrielle McCray Food Service
Jamir Harris ESE Paraprofessional
Jennifer Clark Food Service
Joann Gillyard Food Service
Kelvin Pabst Custodian
Lucy Wang ESE Paraprofessional
Precious Smith Food Service
Ryan Jones ESE Paraprofessional
Sabrina Green ESE Paraprofessional
Teresa Howard Food Service
Virginia Pearson Food Service
Freddie Atkins Custodian atkinsfl
Anthony Boykin Custodian boykinal
Dawn Chandler Custodian chandlerde
Ben Coffee Head Custodian coffeebf
Mallory Dale Speech-Language Pathologist dalema
Mary Mays Custodian maysm
Kandice Mobley EDEP Coordinator mobleyk OVMS EDEP
Doris Persons Lab Proctor - HOPE, CROP personsda
Heather Rogers, RN Clinic / Registered Nurse rogershb
Gayle Schramek Lead Speech-Language Pathologist schramgj
Mike Scott Site Tech scottms

Student Services

Full Name Title Email Website
Jennifer B. Allen Occupational Therapist
Roberto Batista Dean of Students OVMS Dean's Office
Katrece Freeman-Boyd Dean of Students OVMS Dean's Office
Jill Kanji School Counselor (6th-8th grade) OVMS Counseling Center
Robert Campbell Resource Officer OVMS School Resource Officer
Kimberly Taylor Family Liaison
Mary Welch School Counselor (5th grade) OVMS Counseling Center

ESE Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Leslie Hardy 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Teacher - Theater, 6-8 ESE Language Arts, Co-Teaching Language Arts and Math hardylh Hardy Web Site
Megan Johnston 5th Grade Teacher - ESE Co-teaching 5th grade johnstonmg
Mark MacEwan 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - ESE Math, ESE Science, ESE Social Studies, Math (Co-Teaching) macewamh MacEwan Web Site
Carrie Russell 6, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - ESE co-teach and Resource Language Arts, ESE department chair russellcj

Fifth Grade Team

Full Name Title Email Website
Brianne Glockmann 5th Grade Teacher - Math and Science, Gifted Science glockmannbe Glockmann Web Site
Jessica Greene 5th Grade Teacher - Math and Science greenejm
Samantha Hall Schwartz 5th Grade Teacher - Language Arts and Reading, Social Studies hallsw Hall Web Site
Megan Johnston 5th Grade Teacher - ESE Language Arts and Math Co-Teach johnstonmg
Ashton Marshall 5th Grade Teacher - Math and Science marshallad1
Sierra Miller 5th Grade Teacher - Language Arts and Reading, Social Studies millersa
Jodi Plotkin 5th Grade Teacher - Language Arts and Reading, Social Studies plotkinjn
Terry Samuels 5th Grade Teacher - Language Arts and Reading, Social Studies samuelsta
Emily Thomas 5th Grade Teacher - Math and Science thomasej1

Language Arts Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Lindsay Arp 7th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Language Arts arpla Arp Web Site
Dino Bizzarro 6th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Language Arts bizzarrodb
Monica Cantrell 7th Grade Teacher - Language Arts cantrellms Cantrell Web Site
Lauren Marlowe 8th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Language Arts, Language Arts department chair, 8th grade team leader marlowele Marlowe Web Site
Sue Mitchell 8th Grade Teacher - Language Arts mitchellsw
Krystal Sanders 6th Grade Language Arts sanderskk

Math Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Sheri Butler 7th Grade Teacher - Math butlersm
Ryan Caffrey 5th-8th Grade Teacher - Robotics, 6th Grade Teacher - Math caffreyrg Caffrey, Ryan
Nicholas Dockweiler 8th Grade Teacher - Math dockweilernj
Belinda Howerton 6th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Math and 6th grade team leader howertbm
Bradley Sanders 6th Grade Teacher - Math sandersbj
Jenise (Marsan) Thomas 8th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Math thomasjm
Aimee Womack 7th Grade and CAAT and Teacher - Math, 7th grade team leader womackak Womack Web Site

Reading Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Teresa Adkins 7th and 8th Grade Teacher - Reading adkinstr Adkins Web Site
Ashley Arnold 8th Grade Teacher - Reading arnoldam
Joshua Holbrook 6th and 7th Grade Teacher - Reading holbrookjl
Hannah Latta 6th Grade Teacher - Reading lattahe
David Ruiz 7th grade Teacher - Reading and Language Arts ruizda

Science Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Bernardo Baez 6th Grade Teacher - Science 1 baezjrb Baez Web Site
Andrea Bradley 7th Grade Teacher - CAAT Science 2 and Science 2 bradleyac Bradley Web Site
Shayla Mackey Burton 7th and 8th Grade Teacher - Science 2 and Science 3 burtonsc
Larissa Garcia 8th Grade Teacher - Science 3 and CAAT Science 3 garcialj
Ashli Newton 6th Grade Teacher - CAAT Science 1 & Science 1 newtona
Ashley Sprague 8th Grade Teacher - Science 3 and CAAT Science 3 spragueae
Lauren Williams 6th Grade Teacher - Science 2 williamslm1

Social Studies Department

Full Name Title Email Website
Brianna Barden 8th Grade and CAAT Teacher - U.S. History bardenbd
Katherine Marsh 7th Grade and CAAT Teacher - Civics marshka Marsh Web Site
Robin McElroy 8th Grade Teacher - U.S. History mcelroyrg
Carla Jean Ross 6th Grade Teacher - U.S. History rosscj Ross Web Site
Stephen Stanquist 7th Grade Teacher - Civics, 8th Grade Teacher - U.S. History stanquistsr
Brittany Young 6th Grade and CAAT Teacher - U.S. History youngbl

Specials / Electives

Full Name Title Email Website
Paolo Barrera 5th grade and Business Applications (1-4) barrerapf
Holly Bennett 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - Physical Education bennetthg
Ryan Caffery 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - Robotics caffreyrg
Adam Fournier 7th and 8th Grade Teacher - Technology, Adobe Applications fournierag Fournier Web Site
Leslie Hardy 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Teacher - Theater hardylh Hardy Web Site
Meia Paré 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - Art paremm
James Pearson 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - Physical Education pearsonjm
Lori Pirzer 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teacher - Band, Electives team leader pirzerll OVMS Band Web Site
Mike Scott 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade TV Production scottms

Media Center

Full Name Title Email Website
Nicole Herbert Media Aide herbertn
Mike Scott Media Specialist, Site Tech, TV Production, Web Site Admin scottms
Grace Seiberling Media Specialist, Web Site Admin, Battle of the Books Coach seiberlingge