Attendance Policy

  • It is necessary that a student be in attendance throughout the school day in order to benefit fully from the educational programs at Metcalfe Elementary.  We recognize that from time to time compelling circumstances require that a student be late or absent from school.  It is the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian to explain a student’s absence from school. A note from the student's parent/guardian or licensed physician should be sent to school officials normally within two (2) school days of the student's return. The reasons for excused absences include:

    • Absence due to sickness, injury, death in the family
    • Documented appointments with healthcare professionals
    • Documented absence for religious instruction or a religious holiday
    • Absence due to participation in an academic class or school-sponsored activity approved by the principal or assistant.
    • Court appearances (documentation required)

    All other absences are considered unexcused.    

    When returning from an absence, each student must bring a note to the teacher from the parent/guardian or doctor explaining the absence.   A parent/guardian may document up to six (6) days of absences for illness per semester, after which such absences will be unexcused unless documented by a physician or healthcare provider.


    A student is considered tardy if he or she arrives at school after the beginning of the school day or if he or she is not in their classroom before the tardy bell has rung. Parents are asked to sign their sign their child in at the front office. Tardiness will only be excused with documented appointments to the doctor.

    Six (6) unexcused tardies to school or unexcused early releases from school will result in one absence. 

    If there are any questions or concerns please contact:

    Database Manager: Erica Brown

    Email: brownem(


    District's Student Code of Conduct

    District's Attendance Matters