EDEP at Metcalfe

Kendall McClellon, Coordinator

Phone: 352-955-6990

Email: mcclellonkj(@gm.sbac.edu)

Front Office: 352-955-6713

Program Hours: school dismissal to 5:30 p.m.

TAX ID#   59-6000500

Link to the District EDEP Site

EDEP Weekly Fees

  • EDEP Registration Fee

    *A non-refundable annual registration fee of $25.00 per child will be charged.

    EDEP Weekly Fees

    • Full Rate:  $67.00
      (At the same location)
    • Scholarship Rate III: $47.00
      (At the same location)
    • Scholarship Rate II: $32.00
      (At the same location)

    Scholarships are available based on household income. The parent must complete an application and income verification to determine the proper fees to be charged. Until this form is processed, everyone will pay the full rate.

    Late fees will be charged beginning at 5:31 at a rate of $15.00 per child for every 15 minutes you are late. Three late pick-ups will result in dismissal from the program.

    CHANGE IN ATTENDANCE:  As stated in our parent handbook, if your child has a change in their afternoon schedule and will not be attending EDEP, please contact EDEP directly by email by 2 pm.  Failure to notify EDEP staff of your child's absence 3 times, will result in dismissal from the program. Thank you for your help with this matter.  Our #1 priority is making sure your child is kept safe.

    *PAYMENT POLICY:* Payments are due in ADVANCE every Friday. You may pay the account as far in advance as you'd like. Payments may be paid by debit or credit card through Procare.  Payments can also be made with cash, check or money order.  Please make checks payable to EDEP and include your phone number and child’s name on the check.


Check-Out Procedures

  • Check-out is any time between the end of the school day and 5:30. 

    Children will be released only to authorized adults. Anyone picking up must be able to produce a valid photo ID at pickup.

    Anyone picking up must have their own Procare PIN to check the child out. Authorized adults may be added through the Procare app, and must also be listed on the hard copy of the child's registration card.

EDEP Registration

  • Metcalfe EDEP will hold its next lottery for any available spaces for the 2023-2024 school year during the week of preplanning(8/3/23-8/9/23). In order to enter into our lottery, please fill out a registration card front and back. Please make sure that your email address is legible because that's how Mr. Kendall will reach out to you. Registration cards are located in the front office. Over the summer, feel free to stop by and grab a card directly from Mr. Kendall during the days that we are on campus. Please call 352-955-6713 before coming. Thank you and EDEP looks forward to working with you. 

Homework Time

  • EDEP has homework time Monday through Thursday.  Each day we will bring all of the students together and encourage them to do their homework.  Homework time is optional and alternate activities will be available for those students that do not choose homework time.  Due to the large number of students in EDEP we are not able to provide one on one assistance to individual students.

    Students are expected to bring their own supplies for homework.


  • All EDEP programs use Procare to track check-in and check-out of children and to communicate with parents through email. The link to the Procare website can be found here

    Parents can make fee payments, see their account history and current balance, add authorized adults to pick up, send messages to the program coordinator, and check PINs.

    When sending messages through Procare, please include the name of your child in your message. Otherwise there is no way to tell who sent the message.