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    Welcome to Fort Clarke’s Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

    This webpage is designed to give you an overview of the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department of Fort Clarke Middle School and the services available to students that qualify for ESE programs. If you are new to Alachua and have yet to visit the school board website, you may do so by clicking the following link: Alachua County ESE Services Website

    Mission Statement:

    It is the mission of the Exceptional Student Education Department to ensure that Fort Clarke provides programs that encourage and challenge students with special needs to develop the necessary academic and social skills that will propel them to achieve maximum success.

    Our Commitment to Each Student:

    The goal of the ESE Department is to assist school personnel in the appropriate identification, placement, and programming for exceptional students. We believe that parent training, community awareness, and services to families are essential to student success.

    Overview of Services

    Co-teach ELA, co-teach social studies, and co-teach math

    Math for students with varying exceptionalities (VE)

    Reading for students with varying exceptionalities (VE)

    Self-contained class: Alternate Assessment

    Self-contained class: behavioral

    Consultative services

    Faculty & Staff (alphabetical listing - all email @gm.sbac.edu)

    Mr. Clora Bateh, ESE paraprofessional batehcm
    Ms. Sandra Buie buiesj
    Mr. Carlisle, William, ESE Math, Math CT carlislewr
    Mrs. Tamela Craig, Access craigto
    Mrs. Lisa Darling, ESE paraprofessional darlinglw
    Ms. Amy Denman, ESE English, ELA CT denmanan
    Ms. Karen Faircloth, ESE paraprofessional fairclothka
    Mrs. Liz McAuliffe, ESE Clerk mcauliffeee
    Mrs. Cynthis Ocariz, ESE Reading westpyocarizca
    Ms. Patricia Parker, ESE Social Studies; Social Studies CT parkerpl
    Mr. Ryan Reidway, ESE Science; Science CT reidwayra
    Ms. Rossalyn Sander, ESE clerk sanderrp
    Ms. Laken Sims, ESE Reading simsld

    District Staff (alphabetical listing - all email @gm.sbac.edu)

    Mrs. Amy Barry, Staffing Specialist barryal
    Ms. Vivian Bender-Walker, Teacher Hearing Impaired bendervm
    Ms. Lilliana Bourgeois - Occupational Therapist bourgeoislm
    Mr. John Dukes - School Psychologist dukesj
    Ms. Ashley Lewis, Speech and Language Therapist lewisae
    Mr. Javier Woody, Speech and Language Therapist woodyjc
    TBD, Physical Therapist  
