Welcome to Fort Clarke EDEP

Degrees and Certifications:
Talia Kennedy, Site Coordinator
Phone: 352.240.2730
christtk (@gm.sbac.edu)
Closing time 6pm
TAX ID# 59-6000500
Link to the District EDEP Site
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is still open! You can pick up registration materials in the EDEP office, which is located off the cafeteria.
In order to register, we need
- a registration card filled out front and back
- cash or check for the annual $25 registration fee
- cash or check for first week's fees
- signed acknowledgement of rules and guidelines
- "Application for Scholarship EDEP Fees", if needed
- - first page of 2023 tax return attached to application
- Please turn in paperwork to the EDEP Coordinator only.
The SBAC's Extended Day Enrichment Program offers after-school supervision and a variety of enrichment activities for children in 6th through 8th grade. The program is non-profit and entirely fee-supported by those using its services.
Each day we provide a healthy snack followed by 30 minutes of group time/ study hall/ homework time.
After homework time, students may participate in a variety of EDEP sponsored activities, as well as designing and participating in student-initiated activities.
EDEP is a great space for your teen to socialize in a supervised environment, get homework done, and participate in a wide range of stimulating enrichment activities.
We make every effort to work with parents and teachers alike to provide the mentorship and creative opportunities each student needs to be the best they can be, in the classroom and beyond.
We look forward to meeting you!
EDEP Daily Schedule
3:37pm Students Sign In
3:45-4:00pm Supper Time
4:00- 4:30pm Daily Meeting/ Homework time /Group Time
4:30- 5:30pm Activities: Gym/Outside/ Arts and Crafts/ Science
5:30pm Groups return to the cafeteria
5:45pm Daily Clean-up time
6:00pm EDEP closes
*Daily Schedule Is Subject To Change Without Notice*
Homework Policy
EDEP provides a study hall space for homework each day unless there is a special event that prevents us from doing so. EDEP will remind each student of the importance of doing homework at EDEP. It is up to each parent to make sure that their child knows what is expected of them at homework time. Staff will supervise homework time, but they will not be able to tutor students or answer in depth questions. Students are expected to bring their own school supplies for homework time.
EDEP 2024-2025 Registration
Program Hours
The EDEP office is open from 11am to 6pm.
Students arrive to EDEP at 3:37pmPick-up is by 6:00pmOur program closes daily at 6:00pm. A late fee of $15 per child, per 15 minutes will be charged, beginning at 6:01pm. Two late pick-ups will result in dismissal from the program.
Weekly EDEP Fees
Full Rate: $67.00 per week
Scholarship Rate III: $47.00 per week
Scholarship Rate II: $32.00 per week
Scholarships are available based on household income. The parent must complete an application and submit income verification to determine the proper fees to be charged. Until the scholarship form is processed, everyone will pay the full rate. Scholarship applications are available upon request from the Fort Clarke EDEP office.
Payments may be made by credit card or bank account using the Procare parent app. Payments may also be made by check or cash at the EDEP office.
Fees are always due no later than Monday of the current week.
Please DO NOT drop checks off in the front office or with your child’s teacher. All payments must be made either online or directly to the EDEP coordinator.