What is Morning Mile: A before school running program designed to let students begin each day in an active, healthy & fun way!
Time: Each morning, Monday thru Friday from 7:15 AM to 7:35 AM
Where: The students will gather on the P.E. field and may walk or run as many .25 mile laps as they want to or can.
Why: To promote an active healthy lifestyle starting at a young age
Who: All Talbot Elementary students are invited!
Cost: Free!! (Thanks to our amazing sponsors- Sun Country Sports and Fitness!)Morning Mile
*Please do not run on the track unless a teacher is present. Mrs. Hitchcock and Mr. Schumacher will be there every day. In their absence, another teacher will be present.
*Morning Mile will be cancelled if it is raining at 7:00 A.M.
*Morning Mile will be cancelled if it is 32 degrees or below.
*If Morning Mile is cancelled, please report to your appropriate centrums.
*Students who arrive at 7:30 A.M. or later need to report directly to their designated grade level centrums or waiting area.
*Whistle is blown to end Morning Mile at 7:33 A.M. to ensure students have time to turn in straws, document laps, collect their belongings and get to appropriate grade level centrums while teachers are still on morning supervision duty.
*Morning Mile is not time to use the playground equipment. Please stay off of ALL playground equipment.
*No running through playground equipment, stay on the Morning Mile Track.
*If you are found not behaving appropriately during Morning Mile, you will be asked to leave and to report to your centrum immediately.
*Running begins at 7:15 A.M. per directions of Mrs. Hitchcock and/or Mr. Schumacher.
*Running direction changes daily. Please run with the flow of traffic and always run facing forward.
*Start collecting straws only after completion of your 1st lap.
*ALL straws are to be turned in after laps are documented with your grade level patrol.
*Backpacks and ALL belongings (food, drinks, books, toys etc.) must be placed on basketball court IN LINE by grade level.
*After turning straws in, students must go to their centrum and/or class (depending on time) IMMEDIATELY. Students who are found wandering around campus will have a consequence.
Expectations: Failure to comply may result in consequences.
ALL students are expected to…
*Keep hands, feet and other objects to self at ALL times.
*Stay off playground equipment during Morning Mile.
*Run, jog or walk when on the Morning Mile Track
(no standing) in the direction traffic is flowing.
* Use appropriate and positive language at ALL times.
*Stay until whistle is blown signifying the end of
Morning Mile (whistle is blown at 7:33 A.M.).
*Seek out Mrs. Hitchcock or Mr. Schumacher if they have
an issue at Morning Mile.
*Be safe and most importantly HAVE FUN :)!!
*Please note every situation is unique and the consequences given depends on several factors; age of student, previous offenses and severity of offense.*
1st Offense:
*Laps for that day will not be counted and student is sent to appropriate grade level centrum or waiting area immediately.
2nd Offense:
* Laps for that day will not be counted and student is sent to appropriate grade level centrum or waiting area immediately.
*3 Days suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.
3rd Offense:
* Laps for that day will not be counted and student is sent to appropriate grade level centrum or waiting area immediately.
*1 week suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.
After the 3rd offense, if student continues to make poor choices at Morning Mile, they will be suspended for a longer period of time depending on factors previously mentioned.
If you have any questions regarding Morning Mile, please contact Mrs. Hitchcock at hitchcockjh@gm.sbac.edu or Mr. Schumacher at schumachersj@gm.sbac.edu
Thank you! We hope to see you at the Morning Mile track!