• FFEA Logo The Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is a precollegiate service club that provides a forum for students to nurture their interest in the educational field.


    Join us in Mrs. Malo's AFT classroom, room G-2,
    the first and third Monday of every month.


    Requirements to Join:


  • Meet our 2024-2025 FFEA Members


     FFEA Club members


    FFEA Officers

    Maya Allen, President

    Xavier Provost, Vice President 

    Diamond Pawlaczyk, Secretary

    Nevin Johnson, Treasurer

    Spencer Dizon and Autumn Dygert, Historians

    Briana Mulroney and Adriana Monck, Parliamentarians

  • The goals and purposes of this program are:

    • to strive to inspire competent young men and women to consider teaching as a career.
    • to provide members with knowledge and experiences that develop qualities and aptitudes essential to successful teaching. 
    • to offer pre-teaching experiences that are both exploratory and developmental in nature.
    • to provide information on professional career opportunities in education and the special competencies required.
    • to develop an appreciation of public education and the contributions that have been made by teachers, public schools, colleges and universities, teacher unions, and other professional organizations to American society.
    • to encourage members to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens and to participate and accept leadership in civic affairs.
    • to "grow our own educators" in Gainesville.