ESOL Forms
Notification of Placement and Services - CUR-122-004
Translated: Arabic Mandarin Portuguese
CUR-122-004 - Notification of Placement and Services-English.pdf 217.35 KB (Last Modified on August 27, 2021) -
ELL Parent Notice of Committee Meeting - CUR-122-005
Translated: Arabic Haitian Mandarin Portuguese
CUR-122-005 - ELL Parent Notice of Committee Meeting.pdf 191.84 KB (Last Modified on November 14, 2023) -
School-Level ELL Committee Composition - CUR-2526-006
Translated: Arabic Haitian Portuguese
CUR-2526-006 - School Level ELL Committee Composition.pdf 215.62 KB (Last Modified on February 7, 2025)
ELL Notification of Placement and Services (Español) - CUR-122-004.pdf
CUR-122-004 - Notification of Placement and Services-SPANISH.pdf 202.16 KB (Last Modified on September 25, 2023) -
ELL Notification of Placement and Services - Chinese - CUR-122-004.pdf
CUR-122-004 - ELL Notification of Placement and Services - Chinese.pdf 278.4 KB (Last Modified on March 30, 2021) -
ELL Notification of Placement and Services - Creole - CUR-122-004
CUR-122-004 - ELL Notification of Placement and Services - Creole.pdf 194.61 KB (Last Modified on April 18, 2023) -
ELL Parent Informed Consent (Español) - CUR-122-001.pdf
CUR-122-001 - ELL Parent Informed Consent-SPANISH.docx 27.63 KB (Last Modified on September 25, 2023) -
ELL Parent Informed Consent - Pashto- CUR-122-001
CUR-122-001 - ELL Parent Informed Consent-PASHTO.pdf 162.98 KB (Last Modified on September 27, 2023) -
ELL Parent Notice of Committee Meeting (Español) - CUR-122-005.pdf
CUR-122-005 - ELL Parent Notice of Committee Meeting - Spanish.pdf 74.28 KB (Last Modified on March 30, 2021) -
Notification Of Placement and Services - Pashto - CUR-122-004
CUR-122-004 - Notification of Placement and Services-PASHTO.pdf 201.68 KB (Last Modified on September 27, 2023)