• Alachua County’s Media Services Department:

    The District Media Services mission is to facilitate the goal of having every school library provide rich resources addressing the interests and curricular needs of the school’s population. Our goal includes promoting reading, a desire for learning, equitable access, ethical use and collaboration with individuals preparing our students for success.  


    Alachua County’s Instructional Materials Department:

    • Coordinates purchases of instructional materials
    • Recommends instructional materials allocations based on annual student enrollment, new core subject adoptions, and curriculum alignment
    • Provides digital access to online instructional materials through EduTone
    • Facilitates the adoption process in accordance with state statutes and district procedures
    • Manages district orders placed through the Florida School Book Depository (FSBD)
    • Instructional Materials are defined as items having intellectual content that by design serve as a major tool for assisting in the instruction of a subject or course. These items may be available in bound, unbound, kit, or package form and may consist of hard-backed or soft-backed textbooks, consumables, learning laboratories, manipulatives, electronic media, and computer courseware or software.

    State Adopted Instructional Materials are those instructional materials that are currently under contract with Florida’s Department of Education (FLDOE).

    Each year, Florida adopts instructional materials for specific classes. We refer to these materials as major tools of instruction and their ancillaries. Major tools are materials that cover the Florida Standards, state the intended outcomes and course objectives for the specific classes.

    Chosen subject areas are called for adoption each year on a rotating basis, usually for a period of 6 years. The complete adoption cycle and additional adoption resources can be viewed on the FLDOE Instructional Materials website at http://fldoe.org/academics/standards/instructional-materials/index.stml.     




  • Patty Duval, M.Ed
    District Media Specialist
    email: duvalpk
    352-955-6860 ext 1512

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  • Cynthia Everingham
    Executive Assistant, Media & Instructional Materials
    email: everinghamc
    (352) 955-6860 ext. 1503

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  • Sivia Center
    3700 NE 53rd Ave
    Gainesville, Fl 32609

    Note: Email addresses are followed by @gm.sbac.edu

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