Solar Eclipse 2024

  • While the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8 will certainly be an amazing event, it could pose a hazard to anyone who views it without proper eye protection. This is true even in places that will experience only a partial eclipse, such as Alachua County, where the eclipse will occur between 1:45 and 4:18 in the afternoon.

    That being the case, there will be no outdoor activities in Alachua County Public Schools between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. on that day. Our teachers, administrators, bus drivers and other staff will be reminding students throughout the day not to look directly at the sun.

    Dismissal will be held at the regular times. However, if families decide to keep their children at home or pick them up early, the absences/early check-outs will be excused. Standard procedures for early checkout must be followed.

    Please remind your child that looking at the sun at any time, including during an eclipse, can cause severe and permanent damage to their eyes. Even the darkest sunglasses are not a protection, nor is viewing the eclipse through a cell phone screen. Homemade devices are also not safe.

    NASA has prepared an information sheet on viewing the eclipse safely. You can also visit their website at for a list of vendors of eclipse glasses and hand-held viewers that are certified safe.

    Please remind your children that anytime they are out walking or riding their bikes, they need to be focused on traffic and other potential hazards and not allow themselves to be distracted.

Total Solar Eclipse Safety / English

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Seguridad en eclipses solares totales / Español

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